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Lepidoptera in the Mythology of Native Americans

by Ron Cherry E.R.E.C.,

Because of the beauty, power of flight, and complete metamorphosis found in butterflies an moths, these insects frequently are found in Native American myths. In an early article, Grinnell called attention to the belief held by the Blackfeet that dreams are brought to us in sleep by a butterfly. Their sign for a butterfly was a design roughly…


Added by LadyHawkღ on March 12, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

In this day and age, it's hard to believe that animals are imprisoned for the sake of human entertainment. Animals at zoos are housed in cramped, barren cages that can't compare to their natural habitats, causing many of the animals to exhibit neurotic behavior. Please boycott zoos and sign PETA's pledge today!…


Added by Lady Cherokee Angel (aka linda) on March 9, 2012 at 11:12am — No Comments

Bird Droppings March 9, 2012Thinking about Dr. Carl G. Jung and Billy Jack “If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that co…

Bird Droppings March 9, 2012

Thinking about Dr. Carl G. Jung and Billy Jack

“If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.” Carl G. Jung

Over the years I have seen this with myself, so often those attributes we see and are upset with we too have within ourselves. Yesterday I got mad at a student who is very self-centered and focused almost entirely on himself. I…


Added by Frank Bird III on March 9, 2012 at 3:56am — No Comments

Bird Droppings March 8, 2012Examine carefully the threads of life “Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." Chief Seattle, 1854…

Bird Droppings March 8, 2012

Examine carefully the threads of life

“Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.

Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." Chief Seattle, 1854

When I walk out into the darkness of a morning to give thanks for my day previous and for all to come this day I am always amazed at how I see something new even in the darkness. I was standing listening to the spring peepers chirping away in the small drainage ditch…


Added by Frank Bird III on March 8, 2012 at 3:44am — No Comments

Bird Droppings March 7, 2012A difficult journey “Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.” Henry Van Dyke I was visiting with my mothe…

Bird Droppings March 7, 2012

A difficult journey

“Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.” Henry Van Dyke

I was visiting with my mother Monday evening and I walked by my fathers and brothers grave site or I should say stood by recalling the day I was called from work almost sixteen years ago that my brother had passed away during the night. I looked about the hillside where he was buried and now my father as…


Added by Frank Bird III on March 7, 2012 at 3:52am — No Comments

Bird Droppings March 4, 2012Grandpa needs to set the example As I played with my grand baby throughout the weekend the learning that occurs often through simply watching the behavior of adults around…

Bird Droppings March 4, 2012

Grandpa needs to set the example

As I played with my grand baby throughout the weekend the learning that occurs often through simply watching the behavior of adults around her is amazing. One slip with a naughty word from someone and instantly vocabulary is increased even not connecting any significance to the word. Imitating movements as we go through our day is something that amazes me as a small child tries to emulate the parent or grandparent. I…


Added by Frank Bird III on March 7, 2012 at 3:51am — 1 Comment

Bird Droppings March 5, 2012It is only a dropped feather "If we consider the eagle feather with its light and dark colors, we could argue that 'the dark colors are more beautiful and, therefore, natu…

Bird Droppings March 5, 2012

It is only a dropped feather

"If we consider the eagle feather with its light and dark colors, we could argue that 'the dark colors are more beautiful and, therefore, naturally more valuable,' or vice versa. Regardless of which colors are more beautiful, or necessary, or valuable, the truth is the bottom line: Both colors come from the same feather, both are true, they are connected, and it takes both to fly." Dr. Michael Garrett, Medicine of the…


Added by Frank Bird III on March 7, 2012 at 3:50am — No Comments

Update on spine

Good news/bad news! Surgeon wants to insert three metal screws in my spine at the L4/5 spot because it is narrowed beyond other kind of repair. This would mean three days in hospital, three months recuperation and six to seven months of "taking it easy"; then if this doesn't work he will insert a rod along my spine because of the scoliosis.

I thought long and hard and decided NOT to go ahead with it at this time and have left it open because I am not getting any younger and I have plans…


Added by Gloster Gal on March 4, 2012 at 10:16am — 1 Comment


I had been planning and advertising a fundraiser for our team for the 2012 MS Walk in Cleveland this year. Not only was i able to get 5 Sponsors for our Team T-Shirt but was able to get numerous donated items for our raffles. We did not charge a cover charge, thinking it turned people off from fundraisers. We told people that we were depending on selling the raffle tickets. Well, today was our fundraiser and it was a total dud! I sunk a lot of time and money into it, advertising like… Continue

Added by Shannon Brown on March 3, 2012 at 4:57pm — 2 Comments

Bird Droppings February 29, 2012An owl calling Last night I woke for a few minutes my wife thought I had left the burner on with a pot still on the stove I had cooked up my world famous chicken and r…

Bird Droppings February 29, 2012

An owl calling

Last night I woke for a few minutes my wife thought I had left the burner on with a pot still on the stove I had cooked up my world famous chicken and rice for dinner. While up I stuck my nose out the door perhaps intuition who knows when wandering about the house half asleep. Deep in the pines an owl called and of all memories to unlock an instance three years ago flashed before my mind’s eye. It was about three o’clock in the…


Added by Frank Bird III on February 29, 2012 at 2:53am — 2 Comments

Multiple Births

Are you seeing double or triple???

No, it's the likihood of multiples is increasing. Since many women are waiting 'til they're older before having children, they may need a helping hand. Invitro often results in multiples due to the number of embreyos placed in the womb. Also, the older a woman gets, the more liking she'll conceive multiples.

The number of twins born in 2009 almost doubled the 30 years previous. (Although this is a Canadian statistic, the U.S. and other countries…


Added by Ms. Down-to-Earth on February 24, 2012 at 9:51am — 5 Comments


Wachiiya..been a hard week. We went to see my uncle three hours up north from home..the doctors cant do anything for him but keep him keep him I went to see him to say my good cousins will be taking him home soon to go and spend his last days at grand daughter loved seeing him again..and he got to meet my new grand grand daughter is now a lil over 7 weeks & shes been having a hard time since we went to see him..its mostly in the evening…


Added by Mokiji'wannibii Equay on February 21, 2012 at 1:03pm — 1 Comment

Ask N NDN ~What Percentage Indian Do You Have to Be in Order to Be a Member of a Tribe?


Tribal Nations are the only recognized arbiter of belonging to or being a member of a tribe. No other agency or arm of any government has that responsibility, other than the particular tribe to which a person claims to belong. Every tribe has its own membership criteria; some go on blood quantum, others on descent, but whatever the criteria it is the tribe’s enrollment office that has final say on whether a person may be a member. Anyone can claim Indian heritage, but…


Added by LadyHawkღ on February 17, 2012 at 9:35am — 1 Comment


Good morning..its a beautiful morning here in to sleep in with my baby grand daughter this waking up in the morning with her. This weekend has been very relaxing with my lil family, was feeling abit homesick yesterday but it always passes..think its time for a lil visit back home soon..I am still trying to get the hang of this site so please bare with me..I will try to add pictures of my grand daughters, grandson and kids soon. Well anyhoo I wanna wish everyone a…


Added by Mokiji'wannibii Equay on February 12, 2012 at 8:39am — 1 Comment

Wachiiya (hello)

Hi there, came to post one of my favorite videos & to share with everyone. Had a wonderful week with my lil grand daughters are the light of my life. Im gonna go and drop in on my parents today and make them some raisin bannock..those are my plans for I wanna wish you all a wonderful day..I shall be back soon =)

Added by Mokiji'wannibii Equay on February 9, 2012 at 8:50am — No Comments

Friendship is the importantest Thing of world, without friends, your a poor human, if you are rich or not. Money means nothing, when you having a true friend on your side, where go with you, through …

Friendship is the importantest Thing of world, without friends, your a poor human, if you are rich or not. Money means nothing, when you having a true friend on your side, where go with you, through thick and thin, through all days, if you smile or if you cry, he is ever there for you!
With this thoughts, I am thanking all my friends, for their friendship, I am honored to have you all as friends on my side!
your Sue


Added by Donoma Sue on February 7, 2012 at 11:31pm — 2 Comments

Wachiiya (hello)

Its a beautiful morning here in Ontario..good morning to everyone..juss enjoying my cup of morning tea..been feeling lost past 24 stepson just told me yesterday that hes going to enlist in the US army from here..he already has his papers in and now is waiting on what to do next..although hes not my own flesh and blood I still think of him as my son..its going to be so hard thinking about him out there in combat once he does go..but I know its what he wants in life. I will be…


Added by Mokiji'wannibii Equay on February 5, 2012 at 7:36am — 4 Comments


Hi there, my name is Sass. Actually I live in Thunder Bay, Ontario but thought Id put down Toronto, seeing that its the bigger city close to Thunder Bay. I am an ojicree woman originally from Deer Lake First Nation, in northwestern Ontario. Id love to meet new people from all please bear with me while I get use to this site..meegwetch =)

Added by Mokiji'wannibii Equay on January 30, 2012 at 3:03pm — 2 Comments

Pow Wow in Sarasota, Florida

Good Morning to all my friends here at this beautiful site. I wanted you to know that I saw Douglas Blue Feather at the Pow-Wow yesterday and his flute sounded across the lands there, powerful and with much spirit. I had seen a Hawk early in the morning and He sent a message from the Creator, our Lord, that it would be a good day, it certainly was, how blessed we are. Love and prayer E.J.

Added by E.J. Mayton on January 29, 2012 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

Censorship: is hear read a free Country we are not !

Native Books Banned in Tucson:

Reports in the media that the Tucson Unified School District banned books by prominent Native American and Mexican authors and has discontinued its Mexican-American Studies programs spread like wildfire and prompted outrage from people all across the country. Is this taking compliance to Arizona HB-2281 too far? What books are on the list and no longer available for students and teachers to use in the classroom? Guests are author and educator Simon Ortiz… Continue

Added by ERIC SHARP on January 22, 2012 at 8:30am — 10 Comments

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In All Directions

Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment

Blessings To Count

Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments

For the Warriors who fight and Die...

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