I had been planning and advertising a fundraiser for our team for the 2012 MS Walk in Cleveland this year. Not only was i able to get 5 Sponsors for our Team T-Shirt but was able to get numerous donated items for our raffles. We did not charge a cover charge, thinking it turned people off from fundraisers. We told people that we were depending on selling the raffle tickets. Well, today was our fundraiser and it was a total dud! I sunk a lot of time and money into it, advertising like mad.
I've literally bent over backwards over the years to help people, I love helping people. Was i stupid to think that maybe a few would return a favor, a favor that i was hoping i didn't have to ask for but assume people would help me? I'm not a victim player, i don't wine and complain about my disease. I'll even humble myself and say i'm a bit embarrassed of it and hate being judged by it, so i keep it to myself. My mom and kids, my BF and her boyfriend and one lady with MS showed up and that's it! I had a high school charity group that volunteered to help, no one showed. A friend of mine was suppose to come take pics for the event and the walk to create a mini documentary, he didn't show. His wife took a fundraiser shit and still has not paid for it (my fault there i guess eh?) person after person got my high hopes up and even my BF got dupped by her own friends as well.
We were the laughing stock of the place, i was so hurt and pissed off that i was determined to quit it all, even the walk. I began cutting the trinkets off the $36 worth of carnations we bought and began throwing them in the trash. It was then my BF found out i bought them. I didnt tell people how much money i poured into this thing.
My best friend is determined to have another somewhere else but i told i didnt want to sell tickets. She said people will come if they have to buy tickets cause the get to drink and eat all they want. I wanted people to come because they gave a shit, not for the drunkenness and mouth stuffing?!
I was most tempted to clear my FB page. I have a bitter taste in my mouth at the moment concerning my future with the people i know and my morals for helping anyone anymore. Have people really become that selfish and lazy these days?! My BF told me, "The good thing about fundraisers is that it shows you who your real friends are." I use to NOT believe that but since experimenting myself for the first time, i'm beginning to wonder BIG TIME! I've since cleaned the slate beginning with my husband...best thing I've ever done! Yet i'm tempted to clean it all and to say screw them all, minus my BF and call it a day. I don't want to allow this situation to turn me into a cold hearted person but what the point anymore? I hate the way i'm feeling right now but don't know what to do, i cant pretend and smile in people faces because that's not just me! Sorry for venting but i'm really stuck on this one.

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Comment by Gloster Gal on March 5, 2012 at 2:20pm

I couldn't agree more with Lady Hawk's statement. I too have been let down before now and yes, it does take a long time to get over it, but you sound as if you have the strength to put it behind you and put it down to ignorance. Don't have anything that is "free", make them pay for whatever, then they think they have a bargain. Good luck on future fundraising.
Hugs, Elizabeth

Comment by LadyHawkღ on March 4, 2012 at 10:01am

I read this last night just as I was walking out the door for work...
It's o.k. to be really pissed off...I would be to and have been in similar situations.
I know you will eventually get over it but not for a long, long time. I guess I should be telling you to calm down and things happen. Nope, I'm not going to...there were alot of people that let you down and you had everything planned that was for a good cause. Personally, I would let my feelings be known but I would take a day or two to compose things in my head...o.k. maybe three!
I do agree with your best friend that another one should be planned and soon. I would call or write any MS foundations that you can and get their advice on fundraisers for the cause. Are there any local chapters that you can contact? They may even be able to help with getting sponcers.
My kids have been doing the colon cancer walk in San Francisco for several years now in memory of their Dad who passed away 8 years ago. It's a well established fundraiser now but it wasn't for several years...it takes time and then it will be noticed and blossom each year if you give it a chance. They pay $36.00 each and get a tee shirt and any goodies the sponcers supply (water bottles, keychains & canvas bags). A supermarket donates bottled water for everyone that walks. There isn't any food or raffle tickets the day of the walk but they do hold a dinner 3 months later for people that participated in the walk and anyone else that is interested. Dinner is usually $25.00 for a buffett and the raffle tickets are $1.00 each.
Hope that helps...and I have $35.00 left in the Warrior Nation fund that I can send you for the next one. I do send donations in the site name to good causes when there is money left after paying for the site. Warrior Nation donates to Safeway all the time for the servicemen and woman overseas. They are always asking for donations of personal items such as toothbrushes, q-tips, soap and razors. I do what I can to help...
Have a good cry...take a deep breath and know I'm thinking about you.

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