Possession of Hawk, Eagle and other bird of prey feathers

I felt important to post this since I reminded myself when I saw a feather the other day and was tempted to bring home that I was not supposed to. I am not NA so against the law for me to even have in my possession.

I used to have quite the collection of lovely feathers then when somebody told me about the law I got scared that I would get busted for having them so took them all back to the canyon area where I found them over the years and placed them all into a forested area off the main trails. My brother in law is a park ranger too, and I certainly did not want him showing up at my house seeing them! Seriously though, I respect the laws and understand the reasoning.

Anyway, for those not familiar with the law here is a link to information about this:

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Comment by Ravenblu on November 4, 2012 at 10:15pm

It just occurred to me I have so much to learn from this site and I thank you for this very important lesson today.

Comment by Ravenblu on November 4, 2012 at 10:14pm

Oh this upset me so much. I out of respect for the bird that has left it - I leave it. But I admire them and touch them. We have many wild birds around here and I do encourage them so my property is full of fallen feathers of all colours. But for someone to make a law that prohibits me from picking them up if I so wished, is beyond atrocious. My thoughts go out to you.

Comment by John Henry Schell on August 23, 2012 at 1:24am

I too can not prove to the white man that my ancestors where here long before his,
but I will only give up my gifts from the Creator when they pry my fingers from around them. This nation caused my Grandfather to change his name and deny any and all ties to Red America, so that he could buy a home for his family. (did you know that Native Americans weren't allowed to "own" land until 1957 (around then))..I am of Warrior blood and will remain so until the Creator calls for me.
I am peacful with my fellow man and beast until they decide differently. I will not back down and I will not give up my feathers. AHO!

Comment by Gilbert Murrell on August 22, 2012 at 11:25am

Turkey feathers are fine.. You can even get them done-up by the pros, to look exactly like real eagle feathers, and feathers of other birds of prey.. THOSE are the ones they FROWN UPON!! Osda ushvheyiza.. (Good Evening).. :)

Comment by Gilbert Murrell on August 22, 2012 at 11:17am

Siyo! I have been gifted a couple of eagle feathers, over the years.. It is considered a great honor to have one gifted to you.. Yes! One should be certified, Govt. card carrying, enrolled American Indian to have them in your possession.. I'm certain there are MANY who do not have these (GOVT.) cards, but who have feathers.. WHY, are the First Nations Peoples, the ONLY race in existence, who HAVE TO PROVE who they are, by carrying a GOVT. card!? Do you, your friends, or the next person you happen to bump into KNOW who you are!? I certainly know who I am.. Though a law is a law, this is just actually part of the ATROCITY, that has been going on since 1492! It's amazing, how the GOVT. even up until 1980, was forcing sterilization on NdN women, OR just doing it without their knowledge! It's amazing, how the GOVT. acknowledges the fact that they have STOLEN The Sacred Black-Hills, and have offered payment, but refuse to give it back! Even in the most recent atrocity: The auctioning of Sacred Pe'Sla, in the middle of the Black-Hills! the Lakota, are having to ATTEMPT raising funds, to BUY BACK what is already theirs! Tge GOVT. is the BIGGEST offender, when it comes to LAW BREAKING!! Vtla howa ayelvdi UTSONATI, aquatseli sidanelvhi! ANASGVTI asgalasdi!! :/ Adassligi.. :) (Never trust RATTLESNAKE, my family! MAY bite!! :/ Blessings.. :)

Comment by michael Beck McQuilkan on May 28, 2011 at 3:05pm
Hi! Val I think its OK to have turkey feathers!! would check that out,

its a shame as how can you expect a child of 5 or 6 to understand why they cant pick up feathers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

we found a dead hawk on the hill besides us I collected some feathers I dont think its illegal in the UK,
Comment by Val on May 28, 2011 at 1:45pm
As far as the feathers...Just arrest me now...

LOL Like I said, my brother in law was park ranger now Sherriff so no way I want him busting me! I do not know if he really would or not...but me will just take photos and enjoy seeing them feathers when along the walks. Although today at a carpet repair job the customer had pet turkeys and so many lovely feathers and her son about 6 years old kept handing me feathers to bring home with me....

Teeheehee. I will keep those in special box of course, hidden away for if the family should show up! LOL
Comment by LadyHawkღ on May 28, 2011 at 11:35am
Thank you for posting this Val. Great info! This is not something most would be aware of...Basically the same laws apply to the sale of flutes and drums. You must be registered in order to infer or sell it as Native American.
As far as the feathers...Just arrest me now...
Comment by Val on May 28, 2011 at 9:35am
I found a feather atlas that has scans of feathers for identification. Not sure if all inclusive but this could be helpful in type of bird identification by feather for those who just do not know how to tell through lack of experience:
US Fish & Wildlife Service

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