Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies 4 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 15, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator May 2, 2017. 0 Replies 2 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Apr 2, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Mar 31, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Feb 4, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Feb 3, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Feb 1, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 31, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Jan 28, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Jan 26, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 25, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 24, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 21, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 18, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 17, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Jan 16, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 15, 2017. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 13, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 5
"Decisions that have been made for the last couple of centuries have been decisions made without the presence of a real God....from the vision, not of God, but of money."
Tom Porter, MOHAWK
As we view the world today, it's easy to see the people are off track. We are no longer living in harmony. Focusing on the material only leads us from the path of the Creator. We must now pray for ourselves and the people in a pitiful way. We must be humble and ask the Great Spirit to intervene because if we don't, our children will continue to have troubles. They are acting out our behavior as adults. Today is a good time to start. We need to get the spiritual way back into our lives. We need to focus on the spiritual.
My Creator, help me to focus on the spiritual way.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
"Though we speak with the tongues of men and angels and give our bodies to be burned, if we are irritable or hard to live with, it all accounts for nothing," wrote Margaret Widdemer.
Wouldn't it be a blessing to ourselves and to others if we could be as gentle and considerate in temper as we expect others to be? It is not a good thing to keep pent up the emotions that rule us so continually, but neither is it good to be too quick and too constantly blowing off steam.
It may serve as a tension reliever to us, but it can soon ruin our relationships with others. And without our realizing it, we can soon become chronic complainers.
Worry, physical ailments and weariness can cause a short temper that we think others should understand. And most have a way of knowing if that is the case, but prolonged impositions on other people will wear that tolerance very thin. It takes two to have an argument, but it takes only one to start it.
The need to forgive and to be forgiven should never be overlooked. To pass over a disagreement quickly without thought to the damage we've done can take the shine off any friendship. There can be no merit in forgetting if we cannot first forgive.
There are two voices in this world that will be forever unpopular. One is the voice of self-pity, the other the voice that yells all the time. One declares itself to be the victim of great injustice, the other yells to demand justice.
Those who believe themselves to be the victims of injustice - those who believe they are meant to suffer - will always find conditions to prove they are right.
And those who yell, "Look what I've sacrificed," and always with the theme, "What I've tried to do for you," have slowed another's progress and stopped their own.
True victims of circumstances are easily recognized, and do not care to be noticed as such. And those who yell their merits have received their rewards, so there aren't any others.
Both have their attentions turned inward, but to the sorrow of most.....their voices are not.
September 4 - Daily Feast
Some of us have used our minds like, u yo - leaving the lids off the can so that it collects, u yo, which is Cherokee for garbage. No wonder we have so little self-reliance, we learn so little from our experiences. Each of us needs to keep a close eye on everything we do. This is a whole new world without observance of many rules. We used to know what was safe and what should be watched, but the times have changed and many of the so-called rules have been rewritten. Good things and good people still exist and we should be a part of it. But it is not wise to leave ourselves open to every passing bit of trash.
~ The time was when our Father, who lives above the clouds, loved our fathers, who lived long ago, and His face was bright, and He talked with our fathers. ~
Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 4
"The Elders say that if you want something good, you have to suffer for it."
Chuck Ross, LAKOTA
People sometimes have a misconception of sacrifice. This is a strong word for Indian people. On the other side of sacrifice is another whole world. During sacrifice, our beliefs are tested. We may all have good beliefs but if you test a good belief, then you get real beliefs. Real beliefs make new people; real beliefs make new self images. Real beliefs allow determination and desires and faith to come true. Good is always available to us but we often can't bring it within until we let go of the old ways. We let go of the old ways by suffering. Suffering is only letting go of things that don't work anymore. On the other side of suffering is a new world.
Creator, help me to let go of old ways. Let my old thoughts and beliefs be abandoned. Every change is preceded by struggle. Help me go through the struggle today.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
It has been said that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But it is even truer that there is no hell more furious than those human beings who feel scorn within themselves. It is natural but painful for those who do not know the meaning of love to find fault and grief within their own existence. Unable to accept the blame for their actions, there is a continual search for the cause in other people.
How can we tell what point in life others may have reached in their development? We can only see and sense the pain that some carry while they learn the way. If it is impossible to get along with them, we should get along without them, but condemning them will never turn the tide.
Understanding of others and of ourselves has been a great human need for all time. The fact that we do not look with a critical eye, pecking away in constant irritation at another's faults, but give some sign of friendliness, some patience for rebellious spirits, may serve as the turning point for that spirit. And to try for such understanding does no harm for the one who makes the effort.
September 3 - Daily Feast
The need for security can create an uneasy nest. Where do we go? What do we do? But the most unholy of questions is, "Where did I fail?" Change does not mean failure. It means upheaval and it means trial and effort, but it does not mean failure. Anger about change means we have not thought it through, we have not looked beyond the limits, beyond the perimeter of what is familiar. The biggest problem is that the ones who instigate it are not the ones that make the change. But those who make the change will eventually find it was the best thing that ever happened. It brought out new strengths and new thinking and the knowledge that security is not in other people - but in ourselves.
~ Day and night cannot dwell together. ~
Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 3
"Once you have achieved this oneness, when you talk, God talks; when you act, God acts."
Chuck Ross, LAKOTA
In my innermost self, I know this to be true. I know of this oneness. The more I am free of doubt, jealousy, judgment, selfishness, anger, the closer I am to this oneness. When I am right with the Creator, nothing can touch me. When I am right with the Creator I always say the right things. When I am right with the Creator, my thoughts are always good. When I am right with the Creator, my actions are always good.
Great Spirit, remove from me those things that block me from You. Allow me this day to experience the oneness.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Have you noticed how hardheaded we are about clinging to the way we think something should be done? If it worked once, we think it should again, and perhaps it does. There are proven methods of getting successful results in many things. But every so often we try to use the same procedure, follow the same general pattern we've used before, only this time it doesn't work.
How we pound our fists against the stone wall! Insisting all the time that there used to be a door in exactly that spot. Who move the door? Frequently circumstances are to blame. But placing the blame is not the important thing. Finding the way is important.
The way may not be marked plainly, and we have to blaze a new trail, find a new method. But the hardest part of finding that new method is in admitting we need one. The first and most important step is in changing our idea of how it should be done. As soon as we have accepted this fact the mind has a reserve of experiences and knowledge that will hurry in to help. But only after we've admitted the need for it.
September 2 - Daily Feast
Everything has a reason. We may have to wait a while to understand, because much of what we see is a puzzle with all its pieces strewn about. The whole thing is there but in our present condition we do not comprehend the first thing about fitting the right pieces together. It is going to take some time. Maybe our dullness is necessary to keep us from making foolish moves. It is better to stand and let life creep back in and our blood to flow normally before we begin again. We still do not know the reason for something but we can handle the time better and we recover our sense more quickly.
~ We are all Seminoles here together. We want no long talk; we wish to have it short and good. ~
Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 2
"I remember Dawson (No Horse) said, 'Once you say your prayers, don't worry about them. If you worry about them, they'll just fade away.'"
Chuck Ross, LAKOTA
Today I need to remember You are everywhere. I need to remember how much You love me. I need to know, Grandfathers, that You are always listening. Today I need to know how much You care. Today I will remember the advice of the Elders. "Say your prayers and then don't worry - know that the Great One has heard you." It's so much easier to do this, Grandfather, when I feel connected to You.
My Creator, allow me this day to feel your presence. Let me walk the path of life today and talk to You many times. Give me faith, my Grandfather.
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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