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January 18 - Daily Feast
Volume II

Talk to your body, talk to your mind, and give support to your spirit. These are your friends, your life mates, your agility, your harmony, and your joy. Degrade them and they will fail you - not out of revenge but because it is you who keeps the in working order, who supplies them with the strength and well-being they need. Tell your legs and feet and knees how strong and steady they are, and tenderly clean the mind of trash you may have inadvertently thrown there. When something is out of order, call it back into place - and give thanks for the privilege. These are precious things, never talk negatively to them or condemn them - because you will be condemning yourself.

~ The Indian thinks of places and sends his prayers there to win help and blessing. ~


"A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II" by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 18

"Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit."

Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), SANTEE SIOUX

Be still and know. All new learning's, all ideas about new things, creativity, daydreaming and mental effectiveness come to those who learn about silence. All warriors know about the power of silence. All Elders know about stillness. Be still and know God. Meditation is about the place of silence. This is the place to hear God's voice. We can find tremendous amounts of knowledge in the place of silence. This is the sacred place of God.

Great Spirit, teach me the power of silence.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Perfection delights the soul of the super-orderly person. The perfect relationship, the perfect gift, the perfect time, all these things give the would-be perfect person the belief that everyone and everything should be perfect.

Far too often, perfection precludes love. Without love, nothing remotely perfect survives. With love, the imperfect is either lost from view or is so beautiful in its own way that we see it as beautiful.

Whatever we give of ourselves with love is the perfect gift. It is given at the right time and in the right way -- and it is free of attachments, such as owing a return gift, having to be without even the least fault, and allowing others the freedom to be themselves.

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