Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies 4 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 15, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator May 2, 2017. 0 Replies 2 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Apr 2, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Mar 31, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Feb 4, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Feb 3, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Feb 1, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 31, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Jan 28, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Jan 26, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 25, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 24, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 21, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 18, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 17, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Jan 16, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 15, 2017. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 13, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Elder's Meditation of the Day June 9
"Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished."
Chief Sealth, DUWAMISH
Native people say the Earth is sacred. Some places on Earth will feel more sacred than others. You can often feel the sacredness of these places because of what has happened on them. If you do a ceremony on a certain place and return later, whatever happened before will still be there to help you. Even if someone you didn't know did something on the Earth and you come along later, the powers will be there to help you. This is why the Earth is sacred and these special places are sacred spots.
My Creator, let the powers of the sacred places help the people today.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
So often it is difficult to know where the line lies between kindness and domineering. It doesn't sound as if the two could possibly mix, but sometimes we're inclined to think it a kind of goodness when it actually becomes domineering.
It is often then best of kindest think to let others think for themselves. Even though the helpfulness is of love, it can be smothering to the ones who want to breathe freely, even of their own problems.
Concern can turn to possessiveness in the space of a moment and do it so suddenly it is almost impossible to comprehend. All individuals have the right to make their own mistakes and also the undeniable right to correct those mistakes. It makes help appreciated when it comes and then help is recognized as help and not ownership.
If we were all told what to do, it would relieve us of the burden of the responsibility of thinking, planning, or making decisions. Our lives would be literally free of care. And there are those among us who love to direct the traffic of other people's lives. But have you noticed how detestable it is to them to have the smallest suggestion made concerning their own? What a display of vanity!
There are always sycophants, or "apple polishers," if you will, who fawn and flatter the vanity. But to have one's vanity built to great heights is not always an act of love, but more often subtle scorn.
Love is the only force against vanity. Love does not wish to command, but only to serve. If love cannot tell the truth it does not speak. Vanity separates, love joins. Love does not ask that another take the responsibility, but it asks only the strength to bear it.
June 8 - Daily Feast
It is unfortunate when someone fails us, but it isn't as bad as when we fail ourselves. The minute we make a mistake or fall short, we begin to condemn ourselves. How could we have been so dumb, so inept, so careless? We are victims by our own mouths. It is too easy to make a habit of thinking we are second-rate, not quite equal to others. If we say it enough times, we think it, and it feeds down into our hearts to surface again when we don't need it. Who can love us if we do not love ourselves? Who will build us up if we are busy tearing us down? Confidence is winning over self - not others. But we have to stir up the gift that is within us, see that we appreciate all the small things we can do well. We can only be what we give ourselves power to be.
~ These words are mine and they are true. ~
Elder's Meditation of the Day June 8
"So we are connected to the moon. That gives us power, a connection to the earth and the moon, men don't know about."
Cecilia Mitchell, MOHAWK
The Elders tell us that the Woman has access to special powers. The Earth Mother gives her love in a special way to the Woman. The Moon also gives special powers to the Woman. She uses these powers to nurture, heal and guide the people.
Great Spirit, today, give a special Blessing to our Women.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
If everyone were alike, what a dull world this would be. It is the individuality of each person that makes the world so interesting.
The tremendous differences in people give a wide range of personalities, beliefs, and appearances to every group, no matter how small.
If all the flowers in the world were of one color, would we think them beautiful? It is the variety and wide range of rainbow colors that keeps us fascinated.
Cowper wrote, "Variety is the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor." So many have no thought of life except what they will east, what they will wear, and how they can entertain themselves. And then we come on someone who has the ability to see loveliness in the sunlight and charm in quiet rain. They can say things to encourage, to make calm and peaceful.
We meet many different kinds of people. Some we love and some we like and love, which is a terrific difference. It is to find a wholeness or a part of our lost self in someone else. It isn't that they are so much like us or that we believe the way they do, but that they communicate, and it is this rare communication that respects the differences between peoples.
June 7 - Daily Feast
Confession may be good for the soul, but it seldom makes the one that heard it feel good. The nee to clear the air or get something out in the open can cause a bigger rift than the reason for confessing in the first place. Words cannot be retrieved once they are spoken. They are gone and calling them back is impossible. Some weigh on people's hearts like hi lv s gi nv ya, many stones or heavy rock. Some are flung, like di ga it s di, a spear, to wound. And most should never have been spoken. Life and death are in the use of words. If we feel the need to confess something, we should do it where the listener knows how to handle what we say. It is an unthinking person that needs to be relieved of a burden to the point of putting it on someone who may find it hard to bear.
~ He knew his words were bad; he trembled like the oak whose roots have been wasted by many rains. ~
Elder's Meditation of the Day June 7
"If there is a shadow of a doubt someplace, that will cause a weakness."
Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
In the Spiritual World there is a spiritual Law. The Law says like attracts like. This means whatever mental picture we hold inside our minds we will attract from the Universe. To make this Law work we must maintain a constant picture. If we picture or vision something, and along with this picture we have doubting thoughts, our vision will not happen and we will get EXACTLY what we picture or vision. The Law always works. A doubting vision will not materialize what we want. A vision without doubt will always happen. This is a spiritual Law.
My Maker, today, let my vision become strong.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
We are all aware of the emotional effect color creates. And for this reason we choose colors that please the eye by first pleasing the inner emotions. Certain colors have the same effect on many, while other colors affect each of us individually and in particular ways.
Red has an exciting effect; green is cool serenity, orange is the color of vivacity, and brown tones are restful earthy colors. People dress to enhance their appearances with certain colors. Homes are decorated and offices are planned to create pleasance surroundings.
And we as individuals possess moods of many colors. Yet, we are far more careless about the color of that mood, letting the attitudes and colors of others dictate to us how we are to behave. If we could remember when we meet people whose moods are black to remind ourselves that their moods are their own, there would be less involvement in the emotions of others.
We are so vividly aware of color, we must not be reckless in recognizing the color scheme within our own personality. Whether it is a vibrant color, sophisticated, or bright and witty, color always works its subtle magic.
June 6 - Daily Feast
The mind is like a bag with a drawstring. When the string is pulled so tight that nothing can go into the bag or come out - that is nervous tension. The problem is held in and the solution is kept out. At these times it helps to walk - at least far enough to detach from everything that reminds a worrier that he is hemmed in. While the feet are busy, the mind relaxes - maybe not to the point of being tranquil but at least to be able to adanv tesgv, think clearly or work things out mentally. And during the walk, deliberately turn thoughts to vision - seeing every detail, every sunflower. Look at the shape of a leaf, the spider's web, and look for color, and be grateful for the ears to hear and the eyes to see. Nothing heals the spirit and opens the way like turning loose of a problem.
~ Neither anger not fear shall find lodging in your mind. ~
Elder's Meditation of the Day June 6
"We need to save those Elders who cannot speak for themselves -- the trees."
Haida Gwaii, Traditional Circle of Elders
The trees are the Elders of the Earth. Go to the forest or to the mountains and find a young tree. Then find and old tree. Spend time with each. Sit by the young tree and listen to your thoughts. Then move to an old tree and listen to your thoughts again. Just being in the presence of an old tree, you will feel more calm. Your thoughts will contain wisdom and your answers will be deeper. Why is this so? These old trees know more, have heard more and are the Elders of the Earth. We must ensure these trees live so we can learn from them.
My Creator, help me to protect the trees and listen to them.
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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