Daily Feast Of Wisdom (Tsugitsvnvda Danalisdayvhvsgv Agadohvsdi ) (ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏓᎾᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎬ ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ)


Daily Feast Of Wisdom (Tsugitsvnvda  Danalisdayvhvsgv Agadohvsdi ) (ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ  ᏓᎾᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎬ  ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ)

Wisdom To Help You With Each and EveryDay

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Latest Activity: Apr 22, 2023


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When We Want To Talk To God We Burn Tobacco.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies

A Good Heart And A Good Mind.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies

Let Me Walk Today In Your Beauty.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 15, 2017. 0 Replies

Our Children Are The Gateway To The Future

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Apr 2, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 26, 2012 at 5:33pm

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Everyone must have a way of life. The home, the position, the social level, the health of the body and of the emotions are all a part of daily living. But beyond that there must be a reason, a way of life. We must believe in something, live by something, and have a shelter within ourselves where there are no pretenses.

Life cannot be one carefree round of living on the surface. It is a thing of depth and width and height, and full of avenues never investigated. Like the body, it is made up of many parts. Beneath the skin there must beat a heart, a network of nerves, the strength of muscles, and much we cannot begin to explain.

As the body depends upon the heart we must have in our lives something to depend upon, something with which to identify ourselves. There must be a central point, a hitching post to keep all of life running smoothly.

We need something to help us retreat as well as to go forward. We must have something to live by, as well as something for which we would willingly die. We need divine wisdom to see, and the strength to break away, those almost invisible fingers of possessiveness that grip our lives.

We do not simply live, we live because. We live because of others, because of beautiful things and times and places. We live because God gave us life to be happy in, and to find a special way.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 25, 2012 at 9:07am


June 25 - Daily Feast

Just when we think nothing is working there is a glimmer of light. If we could believe in our hearts that what looks impossible can work out, we could bear more easily with hardships. Living is like the weather. It has its surprises, its storms, its dry spells. But if we can hold on, it all changes. The changes come the way we change our minds - unexpectedly and sometimes for no apparent reason. But the reason, theuyelvdvi, real purpose is there. Every word we speak, everything we believe, builds our consciousness and makes us who we are. If we expect nothing good, it will oblige us. We are as unlimited as we say we are, and it is in our power to make the difference.

~ Will we let ourselves be destroyed in our turn, without making an effort worthy of our race? ~

Tecumseh 1


Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 25, 2012 at 9:07am

Elder's Meditation of the Day June 25

"We are called hollow bones for our people and for anyone else we can help, and we are not supposed to seek power for our personal use and honor."

Fools Crow, LAKOTA

Fools Crow, LAKOTA

In order for us to use our power well, we must become a hollow bone. We must prepare ourselves to become a channel. Our channel must be clean before we can use our power well. We must be free of resentments, guilt, shame, anger, self pity and fear. If these things are in us, we cannot be hollow bones. These things block us from our power. The cleaner we are, the more power we move. We must become a hollow bone so the Creator can use us to do what he wants us to do.

My Creator, remove from me today all resentment, anger, fear, guilt and selfishness. Do not let my weaknesses stand in the way of my usefulness to You. Make me a hollow bone so Your power can flow through me.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 25, 2012 at 9:06am

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

It is easy to have faith in God and love everyone on days when the world is all in order.

There are other days that seem to require more effort than any normal person can possibly muster. Each step seems to be an obstacle to overcome. Every hurt and thought of resentment presents itself in a clamorous roar.

Weariness of body, soul, and spirit will nag the strongest beings into dark moods unless they can find a time away from all that plagues them. That time may be hard to come by, but even a few moments can bring a problem to light.

Twinges of jealousy, feelings of anxiety, all scatter in that light. When the attention is turned from those things that make life all too ordinary they immediately, like a procession, march toward the God-self.

To spend only a few moments counting our blessings will tell us that life is well worth living....the satisfaction of a job well done, the companionship of good friends with whom we share the lighter side and the ones who understand our darkest moods are all blessings.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 24, 2012 at 5:33pm


June 24 - Daily Feast

At times an idea hits us with the terrific force of a high-flying jet reentering our atmosphere. It takes hold of us and shakes us with the same sound force and it is very often just as startling. A soft-pedaling thought comes to mind and we acknowledge it only briefly, but it comes back again and again, until we stop to think about it. It pays to listen. All good things do not come with mind-smashing sound effects. Some of the best of life comes on soft shoes and barely brushes us. If we are alert, we may savor it for a lifetime. If we are crusty and hard to deal with, a splendid idea may go right by us and light on someone more sensitive.

~ I have heard your words - they have entered one ear and shall not escape the other.... ~



Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 24, 2012 at 5:32pm

Elder's Meditation of the Day June 24

"Believing people can soar beyond ordinary life."

Fools Crow

Fools Crow, LAKOTA

We are created by God to be vision people. First we set the goal and then we see. If we create within ourselves a picture or vision and we hold that picture or vision in our mind, whatever we picture will show up in our reality. If we can see ourselves being educated, then schools and teachers will show up in our lives. If we picture in our mind a positive, spiritual person to be in our lives, we will attract this type of person in our relationships. How big can our dreams be?

Great Spirit, let my visions today be Your vision. Put within me a vision of the being you would have me be. Then help me to keep the vision in my mind.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 24, 2012 at 5:32pm

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

In those moments when we quietly sit with mind centered on the fact that God is only good, and that no situation devious or twisted in appearance, has any power except that which we give it by dwelling on how terrible it is - then, there is hope.

If we can become quiet enough in our own minds to know God is good, it will produce one of those times of sweet serenity that settles like an invisible veil between us and our troubles. In those moments of growth and faith will come peace that passes all understanding.

It is good to live an active life, but some of life's most productive moments are not when the mind and body are hurled through hectic hours at a furious pace. Life offers many tender and beautiful times that demand nothing and give only a quiet calm that will never come in pill form.

Contrary to the belief in any power except God's, there is a happy medium. It does not come simply by demanding, and there are times when it can be touched on only so briefly. But even in our sore travails there is a time when life finds balance and we live in harmony with God's laws.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 23, 2012 at 1:20pm


June 23 - Daily Feast

Attitude is everything if the day is to go well. If we require others to have patience with us and give us u we to li s di, the Cherokee word for pity or sympathy, then our minds are going to be on whether or not we get it, instead of on living well. We forget that we project to others how we want to be treated. Arrogance invites resistance. Hangdog attitudes invite other sour and sullen looks and behavior. Good-natured people are always welcome and give peace to our minds. Whatever we are about, it is to our advantage to know the world is reflecting back to us the mirror-image of pleasant manners - or the stern appearance of touch-me-not. It takes so little to relax and enjoy, so that others can do the same.

~ I am old, it is true; but not old enough to fail to see things as they are. ~



Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 23, 2012 at 1:19pm

Elder's Meditation of the Day June 23

"He [Wakan Tanka] walks with us along the pathways of Life, and He can do for us what we could never do on our own."

Fools Crow BIG

Fools Crow, LAKOTA

With the Creator in our lives, we are everything. Without the Creator, we are nothing. When the Creator is in our life, suddenly the impossible becomes possible. The extraordinary becomes ordinary. Things we thought could never happen start to happen. Talents we never know we had, start to blossom. Resources appear. Help arrives to give us guidance and direction. We become happy. We have peace of mind and confidence.

Oh Great Spirit, today I want You in my life. The days that I know You are with me are the days that are perfect. Let me be joyful today.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on June 23, 2012 at 1:19pm

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

We all know that if it were not for the little kindnesses, the helping hands that we receive from those who touch our lives daily, we would fall more often and much harder. Yet, we must remember there comes a time when we cannot expect others to rush to our aid. It is then that we test the strength of our own self-reliance.

We should make every effort to be worthy of the concern and help of others. It is sharing all phases of life that make living more than just an existence. But none of us can support others for long who have no will to use their self-reliance. It is said that God helps those who help themselves, but even God cannot help where help is refused.

Then, how much can we depend on ourselves? How would we react to the same situations we see other people experiencing daily? We, who depend so much on our external advantages to pull us through, cannot truthfully foretell our actions in a crisis. But we can have a reserve of faith and strength behind us so that when others reach out to lift us up, we will be worthy of their time spent in helping to build our self-reliance.


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