Daily Feast Of Wisdom (Tsugitsvnvda Danalisdayvhvsgv Agadohvsdi ) (ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏓᎾᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎬ ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ)


Daily Feast Of Wisdom (Tsugitsvnvda  Danalisdayvhvsgv Agadohvsdi ) (ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ  ᏓᎾᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎬ  ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ)

Wisdom To Help You With Each and EveryDay

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When We Want To Talk To God We Burn Tobacco.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies

A Good Heart And A Good Mind.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies

Let Me Walk Today In Your Beauty.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 15, 2017. 0 Replies

Our Children Are The Gateway To The Future

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Apr 2, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 7, 2012 at 9:47am

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Haven't you heard someone say, after experiencing something either good or bad, "I knew it was going to be that way." And perhaps the conviction was very strong that certain conditions would take a definite turn. But much of the time we say it not out of conviction, but resignedly agreeing beforehand that something will be a certain way, and usually with dire overtones.

It used to be believed that we had no power to control anything coming to us. We were mere victims of circumstances, almost like stones waiting to be kicked aside. But we were taught, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is."

We must not be so presumptuous as to believe we know everything there is to know about the workings of the mind. But we attract a great many of our problems simply by dwelling on them in our thoughts.

Premonition, or "knowing" things are going to be a certain way, is merely giving us a little time to head off the trouble. Such things should be a challenge, not an accepted rule. "Know" better until you believe it into conviction and into being.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 6, 2012 at 3:42pm


July 6 - Daily Feast

Influence is like the wild phlox that blooms in the woods. Its fragrance drifts toward us, but from where? The distinctive scent tells us it is phlox - or is it wild grapes or plum? In the final analysis we know we smell flowers, but the kind and the location remains a mystery. So it is with advertising or rumor or neighborhood gossip. We know something is going on, because we are being conditioned to take suggestions, to be open to so much we don't need and do not want to hear. The same influence operates in other area - age and illness, loneliness and fear. We not only get it over the airwaves that something miraculous has happened, to be contradicted only days later, but we hear people boldly claiming disease in a joking manner. Influence is subtle like the scent of phlox - or is it petunias?

~ The Great Spirit has given the white man great foresightedness; he sees everything at a distance and makes the most extraordinary things.



Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 6, 2012 at 3:41pm

Elder's Meditation of the Day July 6

"Silence is the cornerstone of character."

Charles A. Eastman 1

Charles Alexander Eastman, OHIYESA SANTEE SIOUX

Be still and know. Anyone can verbally attack another. Anyone can be a smart Aleck. Anyone can be angry and tell other people things that will hurt them. Anyone can be sarcastic, devaluating and belittling. It takes a Warrior to be silent. Silence is so powerful. Silence can be so loving.

My Creator, if I get into a situation today that needs me to respond with silence, help me to use my silence in a good and sacred way. In my silence, let me be talking to You and You talking to me. Silence is the way of the warrior.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 6, 2012 at 3:41pm

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

So you missed an opportunity! And they say that opportunity knocks only once - but, only if you believe it! Opportunity has been known to pound on the door and go unnoticed, and it has been known to whisper and be heard. It is all according to how hard we require opportunity to knock before we recognize it.

Our awareness of opportunity will reveal to us how many times it presents itself; so subtle, it may not be recognized by the casual eye. And usually it seems to be completely unprofitable to us personally. More often than not it is service to others without thought of return. It is humility, a willingness to accept the most humble beginnings. It is joy in finding communication with others and finding a kinship with them.

Have you heard of an opportunity fund? Some call it saving for a rainy day. Rainy days can be lovely, too. A rainy day can be an opportunity to get things done. But an opportunity can be any day, rain or shine.

Do you often have the opportunity to speak to your neighbor? It seems to happen too infrequently these days.

The most fun we can have comes when we've the opportunity to squelch an ugly rumor. You know, "curst be the tongue whence slanderous rumor, withering friendship's faith..." Sometimes a little friendship does wither, but if it really amounts to anything it will survive.

What a splendid opportunity to sit quietly and mentally forgive with such depth and joy as to start life anew. There is no greater blessing, no greater opportunity fund.

American editor A.E. Duning write, "Great opportunities come to all, but many do not know they have met them. The only preparation to take advantage of them, is simple fidelity to what each day brings."

A missed opportunity may well be another opportunity to prepare for a bigger and better one!

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 5, 2012 at 2:21pm


July 5 - Daily Feast

Remembering can be painful and sometimes without any real benefit. It keeps us feeling guilty and regretting so much that the good memories are washed out. It is easy enough to forget the good that happened, without covering the good with bad memories. No doubt, everything has not been ideal - but haven't we given enough thought to the unhappy times? It doesn't do any good to ruin the present time recalling what went wrong in the past. But we can begin to change. Maybe only a little at first - but honest effort has always changed things for the better and given us self-respect as well. Time grows more and more precious and what we do with it at this moment makes or breaks today and all our tomorrow's.

~ We are not afraid to work and we are not afraid to do right. ~



Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 5, 2012 at 2:20pm

Elder's Meditation of the Day July 5

"It does not require many words to speak the truth."


Chief Joseph, NEZ PERCE

The truth shall set you free. This is the truth. When we speak the Truth, we do not need to be defensive. Truth needs no defense. When we speak the Truth, we do not need to attack because Truth cannot be attacked. It is so easy to want to manipulate or to be deceitful or dishonest. My head tells me I can get away with doing these things, after all everybody does it.

My Creator, today let me know Truth. 
Let me live Truth. 
Let me risk the Truth. 
Let me make the Truth sweet. 
Help me to make my word good. 
Let Your spirit and intent be added to by words. 
Let My thoughts be Truth.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 5, 2012 at 2:19pm

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

There are very few days when we have control of our time. No matter what our schedules may be, there is always a change taking place that keeps something from happening when it is supposed to happen. And when the day is ended and our schedules have not been met, then it begins to drag on our spirits.

Soon we become so wound up in the problems of the moment that the delights of our souls drift away and become a part of the mist of "someday." Someday I will get to do what I want to do. Someday when this necessary work is finished - and it is possible that the things we believe to be so necessary are really robbers of our lives? Do we spend too much time with the menial tasks and allow our creativity - the ability to bring newness into our lives - to dry up and become nonexistent?

William Blake called this within us "God." One of the greatest poets ever to live, he believed that if we keep alive our ability to see and feel the beauty of life, our menial tasks will become easy and the way successful.

Yesterday is only a dream, tomorrow only a vision, but today - we live. If we live as we should, our yesterdays will be dreams of happiness, and our tomorrow's will be visions of hope.

Nothing is so sad as the man who spends all his time today judging tomorrow by his experiences of yesterday. He has a vision, but his faith does not support him to pursue it. If some great stroke of good fortune should overtake him, he will be all ready to go, but he doesn't really expect it to happen. So today he sits waiting for the world to change for him, never guessing that he is the one who must change.

No one is so misled as the woman who has such a busy schedule that she hasn't time to listen to her children. She expects to take the time to play with them - someday. But it is today that the bridges must be built from the soul to the body to the spirit. It isn't something built from a quick kiss or a smart smack in the right place, but from daily communion and understanding.

Today is the very life of life when the best things are nearest - breath in our nostrils, light in our eyes, flowers at our feet, duties at our hand, and the path of God before us.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 3, 2012 at 8:55am


July 3 - Daily Feast

We are always rich when we have courage. It is not the circumstance in which we find ourselves but how we handle it that makes the difference. If nothing ever challenged us we might not know our strength - we might never feel the power to overcome something that gives us courage to tackle another O at li, mountain. Giving up does not come on us suddenly, but we cultivate it on a daily basis. Everything, success or failure - or even mediocrity - settles on us as we get ready for it. When we think and talk failure, it happens. When we think we can do something, we can do it. It takes as much effort to lose as it does to win - sometimes more. But to think courage, to think strength, is the breath of life.

~ Why don't you talk and go straight and all will be well? ~



'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 3, 2012 at 8:55am

Elder's Meditation of the Day July 3

"When you are in the woods, you cannot ever be lost. You are surrounded by friends and surrounded by God."

When you are in the woods


Every plant, every animal, every insect, every bird, every tree is made up of God. God is life and everything is alive. When you are hunting, remember all nature is your friend. All nature has purpose. All nature participates in the life cycle. Nature communicates; Nature talks; Nature listens; Nature forgives; Nature respects; Nature loves. Nature lives in harmony. Nature follows the law. Nature is kind. Nature is balance. The woods are alive and beautiful. She is our friend.

Great Spirit, let me honor and respect the forest and all the life it contains.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 3, 2012 at 8:55am

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

In the frantic search for something that has meaning to life, we have a tendency to do a thing simply because everyone else is doing it. It becomes a "thing," a fad that must be done to keep on the inside circle. There's little originality, little thought, but a lot of following along in beaten paths.

It is a mistaken idea to believe that all I see with my eyes and the limits of my thinking are the limits of the world. There is a tremendous interesting world out there never before investigated, and I am an individual like no one else.

It is quite marvelous to break through the shell of the middling and to discover the ability to see and feel, and to hear more keenly. Suddenly, I can feel more kindly, not because of who I am on this earth, but because I'm a child of God.

I can see more color, more light, more vision because I'm not being shown, I'm discovering. My world is no longer based on passing fancies, but on lasting built slowly within me, with love.


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