Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies 4 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 15, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator May 2, 2017. 0 Replies 2 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Apr 2, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Mar 31, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Feb 4, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Feb 3, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Feb 1, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 31, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Jan 28, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Jan 26, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 25, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 24, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 21, 2017. 0 Replies 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 18, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 17, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by Michael Johnson Jan 16, 2017. 1 Reply 1 Like
Started by David White Hawk Administrator. Last reply by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 15, 2017. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jan 13, 2017. 0 Replies 0 Likes
July 29 - Daily Feast
First impressions are reflections of what we are ready to think. How easy to believe we already know another person when we know ourselves so little. None of us reveal who we really are until we feel safe, and then it is a long time before we trust anyone enough to call them friend. We need to be told that we are liked - not once but many times, at li a le-yu go di-wo di s ge s di, or "twice or more say it," is the way a Cherokee puts it. Even the most innocent of us tends to judge. But to judge before we know someone may show a lack of sincerity in our own makeup - or maybe even a little fear that we may see in others what we are afraid of finding in ourselves.
~ We concealed nothing. We came not secretly nor in the night. We came in open day. ~
Elder's Meditation of the Day July 29
"When we want to talk to Him we burn tobacco and it takes our prayers all the way up to the Sky World."
Louis Farmer, ONONDAGA
Our herbs and our medicines are all here for the purpose of serving. Offering tobacco as a gift to the Creator is proper use of our medicine. In this way, we are able to communicate from the physical world to the spiritual world. Sometimes we have a hard time coming up with the right words when we pray especially if we are really mixed up. The tobacco and the sage will take the intent to the spirit world. The meaning behind the words are more important the words. The Creator always knows our intent. The tobacco helps us get to the Sky World.
Today, my Creator, I offer You this tobacco. I want to thank You for being in my life. I want to tell You how much I appreciate the honor of being here to serve You. Tell me this morning what I can do for You. You are the reason I live.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Life offers us a great deal of stormy weather. In the beginning we are quite strong about it, taking things in stride and moving confidently along. The things that test us seem to give us extra strength we didn't know belonged to us. And quite suddenly there is an awareness that enough is enough. But life doesn't know it, and the storm goes on and so do we.
Even though we are quite willing to give as long as we have to give, there seems to be no more stretch to the strength, either spiritually, mentally, or physically. We question how much longer, how many more times we shall be able to reach into our bag of reserves to borrow another ounce of strength.
Of course, the first thing we must do is take our minds off the thing as we do not want it, and begin to think steadily about how we do want it. It allows our creative minds to find the answers. It may mean we will have to wait awhile in the dark, but when the light comes, it is radiant.
There are many things that stay our feet along the way, but faith that this too will pass can make that way serene.
July 28 - Daily Feast
Other people may tell us they know what is best for us. And maybe they do at times. But it is more important that we have time to know for ourselves what we are to do. The strength of other people tends to wane after a while, so we need strength of our own to sustain us when no one else is around. Few stay prepared for any event. But we know to put ourgo hi yu di, our faith, where it helps us. When we get to those places of not knowing what to do, we shouldn't do anything - not until we have had time to stand still - and see.
~ The earth and myself are of one mind. ~
Elder's Meditation of the Day July 28
"A good heart and a good mind - those are what you need to be a chief."
Louis Farmer, ONONDAGA
The combination of heart and mind is very powerful. The Medicine Wheel teaches that two worlds exist - the seen and the unseen. The seen world is the physical and the unseen is the spiritual world. Both of the worlds are necessary to discover true reality. The seen world is easiest seen by the male side. The unseen is easiest seen by the female side. The heart is the unseen and the mind is the seen. Blessed is the leader or person who has developed the heart and the mind. Truly, the person is of tremendous value to the Creator and the people.
My Great Spirit, help me this day to develop both my female side and my male side. Let me know all the feelings of each, let me develop and grow my intuition and my mind. Let my development only serve You.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Don't try to tell me what your enemy looks like. My enemy is lazy, a procrastinator that spends most of the time talking me out of success. My enemy says friends are fickle and true ones are most infrequent. Faith, I'm told, is not enough to carry me over barriers. And I'm not loved so much as others, but that's all right because what good is love?
The day is dreary, my enemy says, and the flowers at my feet will soon wilt. I shouldn't smile at anyone today because they won't smile back at me.
This will be one of those days when everything goes wrong, my enemy tells me, and if I do anything right someone else will get the credit. I should watch the clock and realize how long the day is and how weary I am.
Don't tell me about your enemy, I have one of my own. But the fact that I know my enemy makes all the difference. My enemy lies to me and wants to destroy me. So I'll refuse to give my enemy power this day by giving a special measure of love to my friends and knowing that everything is exactly opposite of what my enemy tells me.
July 27 - Daily Feast
Perfectly intelligent people lose what they want most by demanding something that is still in the courting stage. There is a time to be bold, or in ga na ye s gv na, says the Cherokee, but it takes wisdom to know when it is. If something is worth having, it is worth waiting for, worth working toward. But fear of losing something before we have had a chance to make it our own can stir us to take risks that are often unwise. Insecurity makes us react in plain-speaking ways that cause us to lose the very thing we want to keep. Action is a necessary part of living, but persuasion is an art and seldom appears demanding.
~ The Great Spirit will not punish us for what we do not know. ~
Elder's Meditation of the Day July 27
"Let us put our minds together as one."
Irving Powless, Sr., ONONDAGA
If we sat in a circle and put an object in the center of the circle and we all described what we saw, everyone would see different points of views from each other. Some would even see opposites because they would be sitting on opposite sides of the circle. In other words, you don't have to see what I see for you to be right. In fact, everyone in the circle is right based on their own point of view. If we are willing to listen to everyone's point of view, then we can get a more accurate description of the object in the center. This is one way to put our minds together. When we get the clarity from each other, we should give thanks and be grateful to each other.
Grandfathers from the four directions, guide me today with Your wisdom from the East, from the South, from the West and from the North.
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler
There comes a time when we have to turn a firm and deaf ear to those people who have no other intention than to disturb our peace of mind. There comes a time when we have to turn ourselves about in our very tracks and ignore the bitter complaining voice of experience.
There comes a time when we have to get angry with ourselves for allowing bad to become worse when there is Someone bigger than we are who can handle everything.
There comes a time when we have to make a decision and to be so firm that it leaves no doubt in our minds that we know what we must do - and then do it.
There comes a time when we have to hear music and feel peace, or we have no foundation for living.
There comes a time when we must learn to appreciate and be thankful or lose all the matters to us.
There comes a time when we recognize the many faces of God as true blessings and give thanks.
July 26 - Daily Feast
If we squint our eyes a little when we look in the mirror, the result isn't so bad. But when we pass a mirror and catch a reflection unexpectedly, it reveals more than we wanted to see. In a brief moment, we caught ourselves unaware. There was no time to narrow the eyes - and there we were without a disguise. It was a stranger. No smiles - just grim. Why is it we think we are smiling when we are not? The Cherokee often has a stoic expression, a du tiv to di, a mask that protects his sensitive nature from the world around him. Others are the same way. It helps to have a sense of humor when we are caught off-guard.
~ Old Lakota knew that man's heart away from nature becomes hard. ~
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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