Daily Feast Of Wisdom (Tsugitsvnvda Danalisdayvhvsgv Agadohvsdi ) (ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏓᎾᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎬ ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ)


Daily Feast Of Wisdom (Tsugitsvnvda  Danalisdayvhvsgv Agadohvsdi ) (ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ  ᏓᎾᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎬ  ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ)

Wisdom To Help You With Each and EveryDay

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When We Want To Talk To God We Burn Tobacco.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies

A Good Heart And A Good Mind.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies

Let Me Walk Today In Your Beauty.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 15, 2017. 0 Replies

Our Children Are The Gateway To The Future

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Apr 2, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 2, 2012 at 2:28pm

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Prisoners never love their jails. And the same holds true for all kinds of prisoners, whether they be dogs on leashes or human beings tied to responsibilities. If they are there of their own free will and because they have a sense of belonging, the connecting link is made of love.

Responsible people with an assignment, and the feeling that it is theirs alone, will do it to the best of their ability and see it through. But is they must be watched and directed in every step, then it is a jail and the first thought is how to get out.

Freedom to be an individual with the right to make even small decisions is a precious possession. Freedom to come and go can build faith and trust within people, to make them stick closer than brothers. The rigid rules and constant prodding of a free spirit will force them to find that freedom.

We simply cannot keep another in bondage without being in bondage ourselves. To hold humanity by invisible force is to keep constant watch. And even beneath that watchful eye there will be a continual search for escape.

Anyone completely dependent upon others must always bear their will-O-the-wisp attitudes and the rising and lowering of the emotional tides. However, it is presumptuous of anyone to believe they can possibly be completely independent of others. Without other people, we cannot exist.

But to believe we are doing our best for anyone except ourselves is to build on sand. Of course others inspire us. They give us reasons to be better. They give us the benefit of their experience, but we seldom learn from that. We demand experience of our own. So consequently, we err and make it right. We mar and erase. And sometimes we try and fail, but always it is up to us to decide whether we do better or worse.

We can despair easily of allowed to become completely and utterly dependent upon others. They are human and they make mistakes. But we must know some measure of forgiveness the same as we must know some independence, if only in the spirit. And if the spirit is free, then all else shall be too.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 1, 2012 at 9:52am


Ga-lo-ni - Eastern
Galo'nee - Western
End of Fruit Month

Inclination to move from this land has no abiding place in our hearts, and when we move we shall move by the course of nature to sleep under this ground which the Great Spirit gave to our ancestors and which now covers them in their undisturbed repose.



August 1 - Daily Feast

Going fishing to the Cherokee is a na su hv s gv, and it is never a waste of time. And neither is dawdling along, or staring into space. Great people have known the wisdom of taking time to let their minds drift with the cork on a fishing line. Who is to say that sitting quietly doesn't do more than running all over looking aggressive and building up blood pressure? Silence and down-deep thought can be just as active as making a big stir. Sometimes we learn something by study, but going fishing makes us wise. We know we can't sit still forever - but a little escape from the stress and pressure certainly makes a happier, healthier person.

~ Several of our young people.....were instructed in all your sciences....but when they came back to us they were bad runners, ignorant of every means of living in the woods.... ~

The Six Nations Longhouse


Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 1, 2012 at 9:52am

Elder's Meditation of the Day August 1

"Everyone got to find the right path. You can't see it so it's hard to find. No one can show you. Each person got to find the path by himself."

Everyone got to find the right path

Charlie Knight, UTE

There are certain times in our lives when a voice whispers to us. The voice doesn't always talk. Usually we hear it best when we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Inside of every person is the knowledge that a Supreme Being exists. Sometimes a restlessness occurs and it makes me feel I need to be doing something or I need to be going somewhere or maybe I start wondering who am I? Often when this happens, I feel lost. Inside of everyone is the natural, built-in desire to be walking the Red Road, or to be seeking a relationship with the Creator. No one can force us to make this journey. We must make this journey because we want to. This journey is not on the outside. The path is inside of ourselves. It is inside that we must begin our search.

Oh Great Spirit, help me this day to look within myself. If trouble arises, let me realize that it's not what is going on but how I am looking at what's going on. Give me Your power this day to conduct myself according to Your way of life.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 1, 2012 at 9:51am

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

How much voice do we really have in our own affairs? How free are we to speak out on the things we know and believe and want to say? How much voice do we have in public affairs?

How much goes unsaid because it may be bad for business, or it might make us look foolish? How often we should speak up but think it is none of our business. How quiet we are when someone's unethical hand does wrong?

What is it that inhibits us? Our own fears. Fear of our own ignorance, fear of losing, fear of the bugaboos we know lurk somewhere, but just aren't sure where.

Who are the people who are free of fears? They are the individuals who govern themselves in such a manner as to have thought our their own ideas enough to be able to speak freely for themselves.

Ethics would seem to be something to ignore if you wish to be successful in business. Many people strive harder today than at any other time to divide their lives so that being seen in church is good taste, and being unethical in business proves they are shrewd. Being successful isn't nearly as important as proving that they've gotten that way by the clever undoing of their opposition.

There was a time when building a better mouse trap by the most efficient methods gave us satisfaction, but too often these days we are impressed because someone is smart. Not smart with intelligence, but smart with the cunning that goes along with the jungle code of getting before someone gets you.

The person who tries to get ahead by ethical methods, and by wanting only to provide something better than is already in existence, must also be equipped to withstand ridicule.

Frankly, the race of the tortoise and the hare is still on, and while the hare is tearing around showing off its ability to be a fast runner, the tortoise is making progress, and never losing its way.

Socrates, being asked the way to honest fame, said, "Study to be what you wish to seem." Success takes time and moral discipline, but our success will be as human beings first, and then the crown of success in business will sit easily and firmly.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 31, 2012 at 9:10am


July 31 - Daily Feast

Rejoice when the going gets rough, when everything turns mean. It is time to shout and clap our hands - if only in the privacy of our own minds. To rejoice in difficulty doesn't seem reasonable, because the natural way would be to give up and cry. But we rebound from trouble faster when we turn off the tears and turn on the joy. It comes from the inside and goes to the outside - and that is how the u hi so di, the spell or gloom, is broken. If we have never done it before, we need to learn how to think joy and act joyful, because the heart is listening - and it is out of the heart that all issues are settled.

~ I beg you now to believe that, all miserable as we seem in your eye, we consider ourselves nevertheless much happier than you. ~

GreatSpirit 1


Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 31, 2012 at 9:09am

Elder's Meditation of the Day July 31

Look behind you. See your sons and your daughters. They are your future. Look farther and see your sons' and your daughters' children and their children's children even unto the Seventh Generation. That's the way we were taught. "Think about it: you yourself are a Seventh Generation."

Leon Shenandoah 2

Leon Shenandoah, ONONDAGA

The Creator designed us with a free will. That means we function from choices and consequences. It is important that we practice thinking about consequences before we make decisions about choices. Every choice I make is like setting up dominos one after the other that produce consequences. Not just for me but also for my children and for the children that are unborn. My choices and decision today will have consequences for seven generations. For example, if I work on my own spiritual development and I walk the Red Road, the odds are that my children will. They will marry and their children will follow the Red Road and so will my grandchildren even up to the seventh generation. This will happen because of the choices and decisions that I make today.

Great Spirit, grant that the choices and decisions that I make today will honor Your laws and values. May I live in peace today that will ripple into the seventh generation.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 31, 2012 at 9:09am

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

In this day of emphasis on right connections with the right people, into the right places, at the right time, we must have truly extraordinary qualities to become successes on our own.

They who have worked hard and achieved success often carry a double burden by wrongful accusations of being privileged characters. Perhaps some to whom doors automatically open because of right connections seem to be privileged characters, but they, like dictators, have a limited existence.

Having connections may help us on the ladder of life, but it will never keep those rungs steady beneath our feet. Only our own greatness keeps us tall, sun-crowned. We must have something to give, something to offer before we can expect to be truly privileged characters. And then, we will have earned the right to our privileges. We are somewhat like God, blamed for much we don't do and seldom given credit for the good we have done.

Whatever the future, the world still needs citizens like those J.G. Holland wrote about nearly a century ago: "God give us men. The times demand strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and willing hands....Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog, in public duty and in private thinking!"

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 30, 2012 at 2:22pm


July 30 - Daily Feast

We talk about choosing our friends, but true friends are self-selected. It is they who decide to respond and by what method. And finally they make themselves our friends by being loyal and having a genuine concern for our well being - or allowing privacy when it is needed. Acquaintances wait and judge. And sometimes it is better to be acquaintances when we cannot find a common ground on which to be friends. There is honesty in admitting we cannot be dear friends to all people. But there is always something special. A friend is a unali - without question or fear or concern for equal time. This is why friends are dear to us. They have chosen to be so.

~ The white man does not obey the Great Spirit; that is why the Indian never could agree with him. ~

Chief Flying Hawk


Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 30, 2012 at 2:22pm

Elder's Meditation of the Day July 30

"You want to know who's a real medicine man? He's the one who doesn't say 'I'm a medicine man.' He doesn't ask you to come to him. You've got to go and ask him. And you'll find he's always there among his own people."

The Medicine Man is a role model

Louis Farmer, ONONDAGA

The Medicine Man is a role model of what it is like to live in harmony and balance with the Creator. It takes a long time, a lot of sacrifice and discipline to become a Medicine Man. A Medicine Man is humble and never crass about anything. He knows he lives to do the will of the Great Spirit. He knows he is to help the people. He lives very low key - the more low key he lives, the more people seek him out - and such is life. The more one serves the people and is quiet about it, the more he is sought out. The quieter he is, the more powerful is his medicine.

Great Spirit, allow me this day to be humble. Allow me this day not to seek attention, but to live quietly and keep my focus and attention on serving You.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on July 30, 2012 at 2:21pm

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

We pray for a change, we hope for a change, but we wait impatiently. Is God not hearing us? We asked. Where is the answers?

If our prayers were suddenly answered, would we be ready? Or would we look behind us for the familiar things, the people, the habits, the routine?

If we were instantly healed, instantly prospered, instantly sought after and loved, then what would we do? Attention, compassion and self-pity are sometimes more important than having everything changed for the better. The fear of being without something to keep us working with the same burden, dealing with familiar pain, can stop us from knowing what it is to be free and well.

If we can envision life without a particular problem we can turn our minds to real change and have it happen. If we can see change, receive it, and know the joy, then gratitude and thanksgiving sets it in place.


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