Daily Feast Of Wisdom (Tsugitsvnvda Danalisdayvhvsgv Agadohvsdi ) (ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏓᎾᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎬ ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ)


Daily Feast Of Wisdom (Tsugitsvnvda  Danalisdayvhvsgv Agadohvsdi ) (ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ  ᏓᎾᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎬ  ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ)

Wisdom To Help You With Each and EveryDay

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Latest Activity: Apr 22, 2023


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When We Want To Talk To God We Burn Tobacco.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies

A Good Heart And A Good Mind.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 29, 2017. 0 Replies

Let Me Walk Today In Your Beauty.

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Jul 15, 2017. 0 Replies

Our Children Are The Gateway To The Future

Started by David White Hawk Administrator Apr 2, 2017. 0 Replies

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Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 12, 2012 at 1:11pm

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Before we can share with others, we must have something to share. And all of us do have something to give. Not material things, but we can share our peace and our love and our loyalty.

Before we can share with others, there must be others with whom to share. For if we are selfish and self-centered enough, we will never have to worry about sharing anything. We will be alone.

Before we can expect others to share with us, we must be capable of accepting. We must be worthy of others who desire to share with us; we must deserve their love.

Before the two of us can ever find anything in this world of mutual interest, we must have enough concern and enough love to feel a need within to produce something good enough to offer; not only to others, but to ourselves. If we have abused our own nature with thoughts of bitterness, harboring painful experiences, self-condemnation for little progress regardless of circumstances, then we have nothing to offer.

The French philosopher Achille Poincelot once said, "Some people think that all the world should share their misfortunes, though they do not share in the sufferings of anyone else."

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 11, 2012 at 10:17am


August 11 - Daily Feast

At some point, all of us stand at a crucial fork in the road and decide which way we will go. When we stand firm in what we know is right, we can make the decision with confidence. We love that person who can stand at ease when everything threatens to go downhill. He not only looks like he can fight - which the Cherokee calls, a la s di, but he is wearing an invisible armor of faith that makes him invincible. When we have chosen the right road and we are ready to do battle, a way is made where there has been no way. Our feet are set to go, and when we reach that crucial spot, we mark the road for those who follow.

~ Teach us the road to travel, and we will not depart from it forever. ~

Satank 2


Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 11, 2012 at 10:17am

Elder's Meditation of the Day August 11

"May there be peace when we meet."
Audrey Shenandoah

Audrey Shenandoah, ONONDAGA

The Elders tell us the greatest gift we can seek is peace of mind, to walk in balance, to respect all things. For us to do this, we must have peace within ourselves and peace within ourselves cannot come unless we are walking the path the Creator would have us walk. Sometimes the tests on this path are difficult, but we know that each test makes us stronger.

Oh Great Spirit, I ask You to whisper Your wisdom in my heart. You are the only one who knows the secret to peaceful living and the mystery of harmony. Teach me of Your peace, understanding and balance and guide me onto your good path.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 11, 2012 at 10:16am

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Have you ever stood on the sidelines and watched the drama of your own difficulties being acted out in someone else's life? Does it provoke a feeling of gratitude that here I will witness something that will help me solve my own problems? Or does it invite a feeling of smugness that they were not so capable of hiding theirs as I have been of concealing mine.

Hiding one's difficulties can be compared to concealing an elephant. The only possible way to keep it a secret would be to keep it from those who could care less in the first place. If they were face to face with your elephant they would register little surprise and proceed immediately to forget it.

If fact, there is considerable danger in looking down on those who are trying to get their lives on the right track. At least they have the intestinal fortitude to try. And to pretend that one has nothing to overcome is merely polishing the front glass while the back door falls away.

Smugness or compassion? It was Cowper who reminded us, "Man may dismiss compassion from his heart, but God will never."

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 10, 2012 at 12:35pm


August 10 - Daily Feast

Warm August evenings afford us a view of the honey-slow movements of summer, go gi, in Cherokee. Cattle graze peacefully across meadows and the mockingbird that lives at the top of the mulberry tree sings the songs of other birds with great mimicry. The sky is streaked with vapor trails from jets still caught in the last rays of sunlight, just before a smudgy darkness settles over the horizon. Clouds, the kind and artist strives to paint, change colors before our eyes and sweep the western sky. It is the best time to escape the daytime heat and walk along the feed road that winds through the meadows. Tall sunflowers nod in a sudden cool breeze and the white fluff of milkweed carries across the fence row. This is, to hi dv - the peace - u ne la nv hi, the peace of God that passes all understanding.

~ Might I behold thee, Might I know thee, Might I consider thee, Might I understand thee, O Lord of the universe. ~

O Lord of the universe


Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 10, 2012 at 12:35pm

Elder's Meditation of the Day August 10

"Nature is the storehouse of potential life of future generations and is sacred."

let me look at nature today

Audrey Shenandoah, ONONDAGA

We need to honor and respect our Mother Earth. She is the source of all life. The sun shines life to the earth, then the earth produces life in all forms and in a balanced way. Everything is here to serve everything else. If we interrupt the flow in any way, we leave nothing for the future generations. Before every decision is made, we should ask, and answer, a final question, "If we do this, what will be the effects on the seventh generation? What will we cause our children to live with?" We need to have respect and love for all things and for all people. We need to do this for ourselves and for all the children still unborn.

My Creator, let me look at nature today and let me have the highest respect for all the things I see. All the two legged, the four legged, the winged ones, the plants, the water, the air, the Mother Earth. Let me have respect for myself.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 10, 2012 at 12:34pm

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

At times, Americans seem too easily taken, too docile to political movements, and too indifferent to their own responsibilities as a free people. How easy it is to turn our heads and tell ourselves that there are intelligent people in high authority looking after our interests and that they will never let our freedom be lost. This kind of thinking is a fallacy. America still belongs to the people, and it is up to us to tell our representatives in Washington that we want it kept that way.

We are too easily led to believe that we deserve a way of life that appears free and easy. But seemingly free handouts will eventually take away our freedom unless we decide to personally do something about it.

Americans are known for their ability to start with a little ingenuity and a lot of faith to build powerful financial empires. But in great and small there beats a heart of devotion to God and country. In battle, no one could display more bravery, more determination, or more loyalty than these defenders of America. In the face of seeming defeat, young Americans have stood together and fought courageously.

Now, people of all ages must stand together. We must make our views known to the government. We must continually develop within ourselves moral, physical, and spiritual strength; and we must pray to God - without that faith, all is lost

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 9, 2012 at 11:45am


August 9 - Daily Feast

Tradition is a basic part of life. It provides a pattern on which we can depend to give us a sense of belonging, a security. But it can also be a block in the way of new progress and new learning. We owe it to ourselves to preserve, ka no he lv hi, the old ways of life, the traditions. But we owe it to ourselves not to be so deeply conditioned to doing something the same way for so long that we stagnate for the sake of it. Too many of us sit on the fence, walk the middle of the road and keep our vision limited. It is not in our makeup to betray a tradition. But to break out of a mold in which we have been hand-pressed, to soar in our own right, is to be worth our salt - and worthy of all that has brought us this far.

~ In the Indian the spirit of the land is still vested; it will be until other men are able to divine and meet its rhythm. ~



Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 9, 2012 at 11:45am

Elder's Meditation of the Day August 9

"Praying to seek a vision, to seek truth is always right. Truth builds upon itself - as the true mark of a warrior who conducts himself/herself accordingly - so that its beauty may shine in the faces of our children."

Great Spirit, give me a vision

Barney Bush, SHAWNEE

We move toward and become like that which we think about. What we think about creates our vision. If our thoughts are wise and good, then our vision becomes strong and truthful. If our thoughts are junk, then our vision becomes contaminated, so it's important to be aware of what we are thinking about. As I live my vision, my children watch and they will live their lives the same way. We need to live the walk of the Warrior. We need to walk in beauty and respect.

Oh Great Spirit, give me a vision for today. Let me see truth. Let me walk in beauty. Let my heart guide me in truth. The law says the truth shall set you free. Let me be free today.

Comment by David White Hawk Administrator on August 9, 2012 at 11:45am

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

There are two words in every life that mean more towards perfecting that life than any other thing. Those two words are the basis for every action. They are "personal responsibility."

Daniel Webster once wrote that the most important thought he ever had was that of his individual responsibility to God. It was his personal responsibility.

No matter how understanding others may be, how kind, and tolerant, there comes a time when we cannot ask, nor expect to receive, help in our struggle. There are simply times when other people cannot cover for our poor performance. It soon becomes time for us to stand on our own feet, express our own feelings, and search out our own beliefs.

Others can run interference for us, make excuses for us, and guess at our feelings. But we don't begin to live until we've accepted our personal responsibilities. We must learn to express truth in everything from showing our love to voting in an election.

Life is one personal responsibility after another. Shifting it to another's shoulders loses some of the most important steps. Failure to recognize it is folly; ignoring it is stupidity; and accepting it is to find more truth and more strength than was ever imagined or expected.


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