Just a place to share your daily or weekly weather reports! What is the weather like in your area today and how does it affect you?

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LOL....good question Loretta and I am sure others of us ask the same thing, but thanks for a good laugh to start a beautiful day up here in Washington. Should be warm today with a chance of showers...had a large raccoon mosey through the back yard with what seems to be a problem with it's left forepaw....hope it will be okay. An important weekend ahead...thank you for all you do for us vets....Sidanelai

NW Oregon, Very heav y ocean mist is rising , and I know there are clouds hidden above it.. The young whippersnapper reporting the weather says it will be cool high 57 and gloomy with showers... Apparently he is not looking at all the beauty surrounding all of us..Well we all have a long 3day week end, and I have flags to put out at our Doughboy Memorial .. Oh to my Friend up north ing Wshington, My Aunt said I was not supposed to grow taller with the sun and the rain...but was to let my heart and mind grow as I grew up....problem is I refused to grow up so what now ??

What a great site!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been on here for a couple of hours and I so appreciate it. Earth Mother will have her say and it is the arrogance of the humans who poison her with no thought that will get choked out. She gives us all we need and why so many despise her with their pollutants and poisons is beyond me. We need her...she does not need us..... at all.
Equa Wado for this link Loretta...Oh my gosh...thanks soooo much!!!!!!!
Human arrogance and karma...a butt bitten at the right time....!

Well I guess it was not me bitten my Friend I only put into the earth what has come from the earth..and I have a bad habit of picking up behind the inconsiderate who leave their trash o the ground or on our beaches..

Nice day here in Washington so will send Loretta some sunshine and warmth to be sure. Was busy getting my flags out this morning and getting the lawn cut before it gets too hot for this old guy. Wishing all of you a good weekend and again to all of you who honor our vets, as a vet, I say thank you and as is said in the Cherokee language...Equa Wado....'Great Thanks' which is a story unto itself. Oh, and Loretta... my oldest daughter is 4'11" inches and she once complained about it so I said she was exactly the height the Great One wanted her to be and she accepted that. Your heart with all you do for vets is bigger than any single measurement of any kind.
Blessings to you all this weekend!!!! Sidanelai & Semper Fi

I SEE THE SUN it's covered by a thin cloud right now but I can see it..54 right ow and will rise to a whooping 58 so those who call themself forecasters say.. they are even promising warmer weather in the days to come.... But as Mother Earth complains about those who are neglecting her with tremors below our feet I will be satisfied with everything allowed this humble person, and be thankful.. Be safe my Friends, be thankful and Remember the Sacrifies made on Memorial Day

Warm here in Washington...80 right now at 11 a.m. but with clouds building fast. I agree...Earth Mother is fed up and is talking....pity those who do not listen as she will for sure have the final say.
I would like to say 'happy' Memorial Day, but as a combat vet, I personally don't see any 'happiness' in the day but rather see a day to be darn thankful that someone, our troops, wrote a blank check to our nation payable with their life and that because of them we can all complain or see beauty, whine or be happy and just have what we have for today. They don't have that in N. Korea or Russia....our warriors provide us with all we need. I suggest all of you to watch a movie, 'Taking Chance' and see what the cost is....a heart moving movie that will make you proud to be an American. As a vet...I spend this weekend as a Corpsman (medic) with the Marines in Viet Nam and remember each person I helped, held in their final moments, or wrote letters to their families for...each was an honor and each of those Marines I helped... helped me to stay alive. Semper Fi to all who have served, are serving and will serve one day.

Tsoi, guess that is why I usually use the words remain safe.. to many wars have taken a toll on this family and many Other Families, my husband was also a Medic in the Air Force during Vietnam..I visited many brought back who either had no Family or the Family was to far away and could not afford to come and stay ..so many memories, so many unshed tears because you had to be the rock solid support for those returning.. and sadly with every conflict after it has gotten no easier..Went to the Nephews grave paid my Respects and tomorrow will be reaching out to the Families..Hugs to you my Brother as we each inour own way Honor All of Our Bravest of the Brave.. Peace and Tranquility and Safe Travels for Everyone

NW Oregon they say a high of 60, it's cloudy with occasional rain drops.. I think those rain drops are tears of our Fallen.. who see the choas of today..May we Never Forget Them may we always remain Strong in our Efforts to Protect the Lands they Ded for, Comfort their Families and Restore Our Earth and Country.. May you all remain Safe this Monday Memorial Day

Another Un-promised day in NW Oregon
Overcast sky's with occasional showers
and they say a high of 60
Wishing everyone a beautiful day

Well young lady...have the same gloom up here so we just need to put some big ol' smiles on our faces and be the sunshine we want to have!! Went to a nice ceremony for those who paid the ultimate price yesterday....was very well done here and a nice group for such a small town as this. Your husband being a medic helped so many people in so many ways and you both have touched life in a way that brings honor to those who serve and have served. Thank you both for all you are, have been, and will be....Sidanelai (we are all family)


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