If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?

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The Ocelot would be my choice...not that I don't love my domestic house kitty's! I have always been facinated with the beautiful markings of this wildcat.

The ocelot ranges from 68 to 100 centimetres (27 to 39 in) in length, plus 26 to 45 centimetres (10 to 18 in) tail length, and typically weighs 8 to 10 kilograms (18 to 22 lb), although much larger individuals have occasionally been recorded,[8][9] making it the largest of the generally dainty Leopardus wild cat genus. It has sleek fur, rounded ears and relatively large front paws. While similar in appearance to the Oncilla and Margay, which inhabit the same region, the ocelot is larger.
The coat pattern of ocelots is relatively variable, being anything from cream to reddish-brown in color, or sometimes grey, and marked with black spots and rosettes.
I would be a female Noah if I could and have a pair of every kind of critter imaginable! I love them all and especially these precious beautiful ocelots
I would want a carmeleon (or charmeleon...I never said I could spell it) I love their expression while their eyes roll around. And their cute little feet!
I saw a movie last weekend, starring a charmeleon with Johnny Depp's voice (two of my favourites.)
Well this is not a photo but has to do with Animals. Well, the Great Bald Eagle and there be Livestream of a nesting pair. Only one is on the nest right now and I think I saw three eggs as one got up to fly for morning hunt

i would like to get 2 kittien's and one horse and a wolf.

I already have the animals that I desire as pets! Two beagles & a golden Palomino Quarterhorse! *grin* The love that I feel from each of them is mutually unconditional! *wink*

Dog, Blue Heeler and Australian Sheperd


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