Just a few things to think about...Please let us know your thoughts and feelings about Social Networking.
What does social networking mean to you?...How many sites are you on?...How has being on social sites changed your life?...Are they really a waste of time or do you get some enjoyment from the time spent online?...

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As ANYTHING have two sides of a medal, so have social networking.
It depends on the USER for what and HOW to use them.
Facebook and Twitter are both good AND bad and we need to choose with WHAT we connect with.

Sure, especial FB is a CHATTING site, but I do never chat there. maybe more than helf of the users use it just for that LOL
I prefer the SPECIFIC networks as this here and others are, but also FB and TWITTER for certain "things" to publish :)

Thanks Sister, A good question you have put out:)

I'm on several different ones and for the most part I'm most active on Facebook. This is where I can contact family and a couple of groups that got tired of the hassles of Ning and yahoo. I also have accounts over on My Space and twitter which I haven't used since Facebook became a little easier to use. The security on all these networks still sucks to a point but such is life.

This is so true and you'd be surprised how many of your friends and family fall for these. Not only are they a pain in the back side but you keep getting notices about a game or app everytime someone joins. I did an app once on face book that sent me so much spam into my inbox and a notice to everyone on my friends list that I ended up changing my password so they couldn't get into my account.

Same problem I had on facebook. I got a few of the app invites and when I added them I had about 60 spam e-mails the very next day. I don't do any of the apps on my page anymore or for the Warrior Nation group. facebook was suposed to have changed that but I don't care to find out! The nice thing about the ning sites is your personal information will only be sold if the the site creator chooses to do so. I know of 2 sites now where the creators are selling members info to gain money. It's not right and I will never sell anyone's e-mail addresses here....and that's a promise!

Reply From Cindy Dickinson:

I like Facebook. I get to see photos of family far away and look at interesting photos in some of the historical pages. For me living in small town USA it's a link to old friends and news from my hometown. I have a friend who is in the last stages of his life due to physical health and if it weren't for the games and contacts he'd be stuck staring at the tv. It's some interaction. Not that I think kids should be on there for hours in a day. It's not the same thing as Warrior Nation. For me I appreciate the spirituality and humor that is not present on face book. I love the under reported stuff here too.

Reply From Sue:

Well, I think its a good thing, to be in FB, because, so I can meet my friends in america, where mostly be in FB and can contacting them, when ever I want it. that is one thing , and my sites in spin.de are made for my indiansites, for giving informationes for my german friends, where want to know more about all of the cultur of the native americans. I translating all and give this informations to read on my sites. So it is for all a good thing and we getting from strangers to friends all over the world. Smiles
many greetings your Sue

Reply From ¸.•*✿Adiwi Tawodusdi Svnoye✿*•.¸

Hey sis. Just seeing this now. Wanted to share my thoughts. I use FB daily. However, yes it is a waste of time so I won't argue that point. One good thing I do like a lot about FB is I have many friends. Some I know personally, and others I have never personally met but I do feel a love for all of them. I have had my FB act. since 2007, not too long after it was created. It has evolved into what it is now. One thing I do not like about it is the drama and those who do harm to others on it. Evil infiltrates everything it seems. Can't get away from it anywhere. Not even FB. I would say I am addicted to it sadly, but hey, at least I admit it. LOL. Hugs sis. Have a beautiful weekend. :D

Reply From Richard Marquez

I agree with what you say,and sometimes Facebook can get on your nerves,that is why I treasure the Ning sites for a relief from the other side of the social register,lol...have a good weekend...hugs...

Reply From Lady Boru:

I actually use it for information on Scotland. I also use it for educational purposes. I am part of the social end of it too but that is no different than being on a Ning site! I have several groups I network with and I enjoy it. It sure can be used to waste time--I agree!
Lady B

and From Larry Graywolf Knowles...
The comment that started this great forum!

I avioded FB for a long time, mainly because of its security issues. But one day, my daughter asked me if she could join. After two weeks, I decided that I should join too - not only to look in on her page, but to learn the jargon she'd be using. That was over a year ago and I still have less than 30 friends. I do not have my maiden name listed because I'm not too interested in being there. I was very appreciative of it during my Dad's hospitalization and subsequent passing so I could inform cousins and other family members. So it does have its uses. But I keep my profile info. to a minimum.
I am on FB (once or twice a week) and on WN (every day but Sundays). I used to belong to another Ning site but it got too big for its britches, it wasn't moderated, and drama prevailed there. It didn't have the home-y feel of WN.


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