The events of yesterday in California are sad indeed. Humanity has drifted away from the balance of life with the natural world like a boat tied to a pier which has become loose. It does not float away quickly but rather slowly until it becomes out of reach.
The vibration of anger that abounds around the world of humanity is absorbed by our Earth Mother, the Tree People, Rock People and all our relations and each becomes sick.
The word vibrations we cast upon the Wind Spirits will travel until absorbed by something and this is where we ask....'what kind of vibration am I putting out there?'
Will my words wilt flowers or encourage them to grow. Love and hate are both 4 letter heals and one destroys.
The old Indian has said that when we humans drift away from our ties to the earth, or animal relations, the sky, wind, sun and moon that a sickness will follow into our hearts and so this has become true.
To grow distant from the ways of our elders, those ways of honor, respect, kindness and giving will cause us to lose our way and then the meaning of life vanishes like the breath of a deer on a cold winter's morning.
Look into your mirror or still pond...see the beautiful gift given you there. Reach out with a kind word and you may change a heart without knowing it.
Be a warrior for peace, but also a warrior to protect those you love from harm.
These are not easy days, but our elders spoke to us of just these things that we as a people may stand tall and be of a right heart and spirit.
Always a tragedy these things, but Grandfather Sun will rise tomorrow and a new day will begin and with that an opportunity to start over, make a positive difference and help spirits heal.
Blessings to each of you here and may we all take a moment to consider the life lost and embrace the life we have today. We have no guarantee of a tomorrow so why not give today our best!
Sidanelai (we are all family)

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