Just a place to share your daily or weekly weather reports! What is the weather like in your area today and how does it affect you?

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Wish I could send you a couple days worth of rain ..praying for you and others I know who are Veterans that stood by the sides of my Veterans here at Home.. Stay safe

Osiyo Michael,
Hope you and those you love are safe and yet it would seem the rains will be a blessing for your area come spring and fall and of course, for sure hope there are no slides or other adverse things in your area. Things are changing for sure...be safe brother and batten down them thar hatches....

Word of the day WET but that does not keep me in I love the sound of rain on my umberella would be nicer if I had one of those old tin roofs my grandparents had many times the rain was the music that lulled us kids to sleep.. Listening to the weather reports and do hope everyone in Florida is dafe and out of harms way.. my outdoor thermometer it reads 47 ..crazy weather this year Friends hope everyone is safe from floods and etc..

It's been an interesting week here in S.W. Florida. A couple tornadoes, 80mph straight line winds causing a 'meteotsunami' in Naples yesterday. The wind added 7 feet to the high tide causing flooding.
If this is global warming how do you explain the global warming on Mars, Venus and the moon? I not know?

Mornin' All. 34 here this morning and the snow on the ground is pretty saturated with the rain we had last night. Will see what the day brings but either way will make the best of what is given. Don't know about the 'warming' thing Chris, but Native people have said for centuries that if we don't respect the earth and walk in balance with her that we will pay a price. I suppose there a lot's of different names people toss out there for the changes taking place but it only makes sense that when we keep pumping things into the air and taking down the filters (trees) and replacing them with methane and other things, keep digging into Earth Mother's skin and placing our poisons there only to sew her back up again and then pollute the water we all depend on...then yes...I would say the Native people are correct and she will have the final say and she is speaking even now as few have the ears to listen.
I am no expert, but I know the stories my elders have passed on to me and I see them coming to pass. There is an old Cree saying that goes something like this, "Only when the last fish has been caught, only when the last tree has been cut down, only when the last river has been poisoned, only then will the white man realize they cannot eat their money'.
Just a thought.....

I like your old Cree wisdom and fully agree Tsoi.
I must add though after living on the Santa Clara reservation for a few days and living in Mexico for two years the respect for Mother Nature falls short everywhere!
Maybe I'm strange but I cannot ride down the highway and throw a piece of paper out the window.

Woke up to a warm 44 blue skies with a few clouds. the eagles are also up .. Do hope everyone is safe after the bad weather especially on the East Coast , Keep trying to send what I have to Tsoi and others but we all know Mother Nature and Mother Earth they have minds of their own.. So guess we just remain thankful and Count our Blessings.. Sending you all a Hug for your Heart and a Prayer all your needs be met

Tuesday night with rain on top of our snow...crazy weather but then, the new normal seems to be 'not so normal' but this is Earth Mother's way of giving us a call to attention.
Hope you all are in good spirits and ready to settle in for a nice warm and loving evening filled with dreams of wonder, hope and peace.

Michael...the user manual comment has me rolling on the floor because it is oh so true. In our younger days there was common sense, but now, the most uncommon thing is common sense. You said it perfectly brother...stay safe. I will go to bed with a good laugh thanks to you. Our Earth Mother speaks...we need to close our eyes and ears to truly see and hear. Her voice speaks from within....
Listen to her voice and awaken our own self's lest we wait like the white mentality until there is no tomorrow. They will sell their soul for a dollar and watch their children, grand children and great grand children suffer so that their today may be comfortable for them. Lay your head down to slumber this night and not ask what did I do, but what 'can' I do..... Earth Mother does not need us...we need her. With out her we perish, without us she prospers. Balance.....7 letters that define the 7 directions.

Their words for today is Dry this morning and more rain tonight... truthfully I am getting used to having webs between my toes our earth needs it now and in future days and many streams that were dry are no longer dry,, do not like the trees falling and the land sliding but understand what will be will be.. Read your posts Michael and Tsoi, sadly it is no longer just the whites who seek the $$$ sadly there are many who think they are owed a living and never lift a hand to earn it while throwing away many items in our wilderness and streams... common sense seems to be removed from many brainless who walk this earth of ours.. Prayers for everyone during this time of uncertainty..Mother Earth & Nature will have their way as they struggle to repair what greedy and ignornant have distroyed

word for the day WET was born in Oregon so I think I was gifted with webbed feet so I could swim up stream.But one of my Sons has prepared for the storm hitting Maryland since he us a Veteran I am sure he and the Family will be fine.. Everyone stay safe today and the days ahead of us.. Ieace, Prayers and Hugs to All

Hard to believe that it is 53 outside today
New life is appearing everyday
Hope everyone is having a good day and is staying warm..


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