Just a place to share your daily or weekly weather reports! What is the weather like in your area today and how does it affect you?

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Ahhh...now that is not fair....lol.....!!!!!!
Looks inviting though....have a great week and thanks for the pic!!!!!!

I will accept whatever comes my way, they also say showers later today with a high in the low 60's.. Thankfully it will not be like it was 35 years ago today..Remember that day well.. St Helens erupting, lights swaying , recliners bouncing up and down and children scared..and several rental properties needing to be cleaned up afterwards.. Was a real mess back then.. Counting my blessing and praying you countyours..

Lots of sunshine here in NE Washington...I will send some your way Loretta if that will help. Can't imagine what you all when through with St. Helen's.... I was not in this area then. Whatever your weather, where ever you are...take a moment and look into your mirror and see the greatest of gifts the Great One has put on this planet reflected there......Sidanelai....

Enjoy your sunshime, as I enjoy what I am blessed with the clouds know what is needed here and the sun will shine through and bring growth and bounty to feed the needy and bloooming flowers to cheer the down hearted.. My needs are few and I rejoice in them..

Loretta.... please always remember and for sure know, that with all you do for so many others....YOU are the sunshine needed on any given day and our troops and we vets honor your path more than you may understand...... YOU....you are the gift to all of us and we thank you............

Ooorah they say a high of 68, sunny and clouds.. so today I can play billy goat and scale my bank with the weed wacker, and clean up all the junk inconsiderate people throw out their car windows....Last week when I cleaned the bank I was a duck, wet .. They say the week end should be nice so I will enjoy placing the Flags on My Fallen Heroes this week and visiting my Veterans in Our Care Center.. There is nothing more beautiful than the Smile on a Veterans Face when you Hug them and tell them you Love Them..God has so Blessed me So a few more things todo then to work so I am Free the rest of the week.. May your hearts be enriched with Love and Kindness from others and for Others

Thanks for all you give us vets Loretta and always know you make a wonderful difference in a good way with so many. This is a special weekend coming up...a reminder to us all of the cost of freedom.
Semper Fi to all who served, serve and will serve and all those who so lovingly support them...
Without the support of others, walking the military path would be most difficult...

NW Oregon well the weather people on 3 different channels goofed up on yesterdays weather forecast but between brief rain drops I got the bank weed wacked.. Right now we are 54 and they say low 60's but I think maybe high 50's, they say sunshine, I see cloudy and overcast skies..Wishing everyone a wonderful day no matter what the weather people report.. Smile , know you are one of a kind, and let your inner light shine, making others days better ..and brighter

NW Oregon they say high of 62 with clouds and a occasional peak at the sun.. I sometimes wonder if they have a company that sends them fortune cookies with probable weather forcasts for each of our 4 seasons.. Wishing everyone a
day filled with adventure and beauty

LOL...I love Loretta's description of the weather service for sure. Here it is sunny with a few drifting clouds and 70 degrees. Maybe some thunder boomers later but over all a nice day. Hope you all have a good weekend and remember that many gave their all so that we can have the freedom to enjoy our days. Sidanelai..

NW Oregon, 52 right now with a high of 58..They are forecasting showers until Monday.. A old mind is still a inquiring mind.. many years ago my Grandparents taught me we must have rain and sunshine for everything to grow ..Well in all these years I have been drenched by rain and have basked in the rays of the Sun..so why am I only 4' 11" tall?


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