Just a place to share your daily or weekly weather reports! What is the weather like in your area today and how does it affect you?

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It's HOT for us this time of year. I think it hit 95 today and felt like a hundred!
It's 64 right now at 11:00 a.m...they say we are supposed to have a high of 81 today. Don't think it's going to happen. Tomorrow's forcast is back to the middle 80's.
LOL, the tomatoes are doing pretty well.
The thunderstorms have gone, sunny days of around 70 and nights already in the low 30's (31 yesterday morning) but beautiful. Have a great day all...got a couple of packages to mail to members here...Sidanelai
Another beautiful day in the mountains...touch of fall in the air...30's this morning...time to get the firewood split...hope each of you has a beautiful day as well...blessings!
I guess the weatherman didn't lie! We hit 96 yesterday and it's supposed to be just as hot today. They say it will be back to normal by the weekend...low 80's...
Weather for Portland, OR
56°F | °C Mon Tue Wed Thu

Wind: SE at 7 mph
Humidity: 87% 67° 61° 66° 52° 71° 54° 74° 55°

Detailed forecast: The Weather Channel - Weather Underground - AccuWeather

►THIS is the weather for PORTLAND OREGON today, it has been 83+degrees for the past month now? but, it's FALL SEASON now & I guess the RAIN is back, we needed it bad! DEB in OREGON.
The San Francisco Bay area can't make up it's mind! Low 70's one day and the middle 80's the next day! Today is supposed to be around 82 and high 50's in the morning...Beautiful blue skies right now with just a slight breeze.
Weather for Portland, OR
54°F | °C Wed Thu Fri Sat

Mostly Cloudy
Wind: N at 4 mph
Humidity: 79% 74° 53° 82° 56° 71° 55° 63° 52°

It's been a fine FALL so far in Portland OREGON, I can't wait to see what's in store for OCTOBER.
Stormy right now...lots of lightening earlier..had to shut things down. Windy and calling for a chance of snow here mid week....spent all day yesterday splitting wood...a good thing. Winter is on it's way fer sure...hope you all are well....
It really cooled off here today...we dropped down to the middle 60's and it's overcast...they say possible rain tonight. I hope it clears up by the end of the week because Fleet Week starts in San Francisco this Friday. The Blue Angels are back!
There has been a lot of rain here, associated with Orphlia.
WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE BAY AREA??? We have had more thunder storms the last 2 days and lots of hail...bigger than pea size and lots of it. It's not normal for our area this time of year...normally we get only 1 hail storm and that is usually in April. I went out this evening and you can smell the fireplaces going already...We just may have a real winter this year!


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