Hi there, my name is Sass. Actually I live in Thunder Bay, Ontario but thought Id put down Toronto, seeing that its the bigger city close to Thunder Bay. I am an ojicree woman originally from Deer Lake First Nation, in northwestern Ontario. Id love to meet new people from all over..so please bear with me while I get use to this site..meegwetch =)

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Comment by Ms. Down-to-Earth on January 31, 2012 at 1:02pm

Hey, I went to university in Thundar Bay.
Hope you settle in nicely - if you have any questions, just ask.

Comment by LadyHawkღ on January 30, 2012 at 3:22pm

Nice to meet you Sass! I do hope you put some friend requests in here and meet some new people. We have a very small but friendly group here. If you ever need help with anything don't be afraid to ask myself or any of the great admins here.
Hugs, LadyHawk
nice to meet you

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