Bio by Kerem Beyit
I was born in Ankara, Turkey, (1980) started drawing in my early childhood with the effect
of comic books. In Gazi University, department of graphics I studied graphic design for four
years. I don't have any formal training for illustration I trained myself and my teachers
were the great fantasy artists like Frazetta and Brom. I worked for various places doing graphic
and illustration studies, book covers, local comics also magazines and books for children.
I've been in the digital area for four years. I did lots of book covers. I am honoured by being
awarded on CGSociety, CgChannel, Gfxartist, Cggallery , 3DTotal and CGArena. My works
have been published in several magazines. My works have also been selected for inclusion
in the Ballistic Publishing albums Expose and Exotique. I am currently working as a freelance

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