

Blown up into something




A star


Alien beings

A birth in Bethlehem


The Qur'an



Global Economies




Magic underwear



Outer space

The beyond


A star



I heard the wail just as I turned my head toward the northern horizon. I couldn't tell which direction it came from. The sound seemed to bounce off and around the thick trees and overgrown underbrush. At first I thought it was a human child's voice, but quickly released that as illusion because no human could be alive out here without the proper clothing, let alone a child.

I heard it again and moved to where I thought it was coming from. Then I heard and felt the low guttural growl of a large animal, probably a big cat of some sort. The wailing stopped suddenly. I shuddered, turned and walk away.



Into the fires we walk

Blind as to which door is open


Mined. Melted. Minted.


Poured from destiny's cauldrons

into purposely shaped molds

or, ideologues

or, casts

without shanthu pottu or diamonds

each perfectly shaped

and sized

and catalogued

for its effective use


Put your fury to rest.


What direction are you heading?



We are the fuel

The consumable catalyst of the engines

A commodity that is bought and sold and traded

Cheaper than coal, or, oil



The perfect expendable

Once used,

they acquire the children



Every organism in the universe grows, and, as it grows it uses energy. Once depleted, the organism ceases its existence as the thing it is and becomes something different. Sometimes similar to what it was before. Sometimes something entirely different. There are entities that, with the right amount of food supply, can maintain themselves over several generations of mankind. We, unlike these entities, deteriorate at various rates regardless of food supply, until we become metaphorical and literal dust.












No right or wrong

No conscience

Merely the need to be fed

The fuel for revolutions

The fuel for pogroms

A necessary source of sustenance

for politicians and rats

and messiahs



He: What do you believe in?

Me: Energy

He: Oh! The magnificence of God?

Me: No. Energy. It is everywhere. It is in all things. It is naturally swirling about and within us at all times. Prior to our birth and long past our death. It is real. It can be touched. It can touch you. It is as cogent as the stars in the sky and the ores in the ground.

He: That's what I mean. God.

Me: No. My energy has no purpose other than to be what it is. It has no design other than what I intuit into it. The energy I am aware of is magnificent. It can be terrifying. It has an awesomeness that is beyond my grasp but can also be held and seen.

He: Well something has to control that. Someone had to create it.

Me: Why? Because that is how mankind makes things happen? Because you believe that is the natural order of things? Can you show me where that happens in nature? In the universe? A single place, or, organism that totally controls their environment without dependence of others? It is not a corporation, my friend. Nor, a monarchy. Do you really believe their is some sort of organization chart in nature?

He: I give up on you. There is no use.

Me: Perhaps you should, friend. We only have so much energy within us, and, I would hate to see you waste yours thinking you need to save me.

He: But you will die and be left behind. Don't you worry what is going to happen to your soul when you die? Don't you care that you are condemning yourself to eternal damnation?

Me: No. We will die and become something different than what we are now. Our energies will be disbursed. Some will feed other beings. Some will be inert and become a part of the earth. Some will swirl off to other places and join the energies of all beings ... out there. I find that rather grand and gratifying.

He: But, how do we teach the ways and the purpose of being good and moral without God. Without rules?

Me: There is no ... way. There is life and there is death, that we know about. The rest is to be what it will be. And, while I am living my life, I will continue to listen to whatever energies I can and will let me. I will commune and become as close as I can to feeling a harmony with the things about me. I will be careful to destroy as little as possible. I will try to be an example to others without thinking they are to be like me, or, follow where I am going. I do not need a fear of your God, nor, his retribution to tell me what is right, or, wrong. I do not need your teachings to help me understand that I have hurt another, nor, that I should share what I have with others, nor, care about their well being. I am not alone, friend. I live within a world, a universe that is dominant to and also totally dependent on me. I am the same energy as it and they are. I am a part of the universe. Why do you need to be separate from it?



Our energies are all we have to offer the world. We are the fuel for things other than ourselves. We can choose where we will be most effective. It is a commodity we control. Not God. Not Monsanto. Not religious organizations. Not school systems. Not governments. Not self-aggrandizing leaders. No one.



I lay in the quiet greys of night

where slumber is an elusive heartbeat away

and realize I have failed

Somewhere I missed the point of the message

Perhaps, I felt style was important,

or, the method my students practised the craft,

or, even who the students actually were

Regardless, it was I

I did not pass it on correctly

I gave them improper maps, and, wonder

why they have become lost

I gave them symbols to worship, and, wonder

why they have no reality

I gave them uncontrolled anger, and, wonder

why they have no respect for life

I taught them the world but not the universe


Will they thank me for the earth that I have given them?

Will they be able to give better to theirs?

What have I given them to help them do that?


In those moments of little deaths

between inhalation and exhalation

I close my eyes and see the possibilities

and they frighten me

And, I breathe again

And, I am alive

And, I must spend my energy wisely


To you,

my friend,

my son,

my daughter,

my love

I offer myself,

once again,

only wiser



copyright 2012: all rights reserved

*** I would like to thank Mr John Trudell for his piece "Think" which can be found on YouTube for inspiration to this piece.

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Comment by LadyHawkღ on October 6, 2012 at 9:17am

I also find this very grand and gratifying...
Great post...thank you!
"Me: No. We will die and become something different than what we are now. Our energies will be disbursed. Some will feed other beings. Some will be inert and become a part of the earth. Some will swirl off to other places and join the energies of all beings ... out there. I find that rather grand and gratifying."

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