Sharing a posting I sent out about Arlington

For years I have had a Email Group  I  call Smile..   because I do believe no matter what we face inour lives there is always a reason to  smile  and be thankful.. So every monday  i try to  share a reason  to be rhankful with my Veterans, Patriots  and Their Families..

For some reason my  feelings inside said share  your posting.. so here it is and at the end I will explain why it was such a blessing..


Good Morning..
It has been a event filled week for sure,   But we  are now have what some  would call spring weather that has quickly turned to  summer.... I've seen the sun for the last few days

Then  on Saturday a very unexpected call.. A call that humbled this old woman and put her on her knees in thanks..During Iraq and Afghanistan I  gained  many new Family members , may not been of blood but  definitely God Given Family..Many  of them returning have struggled  with Post Traumatic Stress  many struggle with the why did I voluntarily  sign up, ,  and can I overcome   everything I witnessed?  Well  the call I got was from a God  given Grandson.. He  took a trip   he felt he had to make to find  his answers,  Arlington.. My young Marine standing   and Understanding  long before his time there were  Men and Women who  believed in  Protecting our Country and Protecting our Allies, Protecting a Country  he  was raised to Love  and  Defend... There is no way  I can explain his emotions   or his tears he admitted to , there is no way I can explain  the feeling inside me, except I know now, he will not become a suicide statistic and he will find his way ... Why Arlington ? He  does not know but he is glad he listened to his heart, and so am I...Now it is one step forward one day at a time and many more prayers  for Him and all the others who struggle  with the past, the present and only the present and surviving to see another day..
Yes I have been so blessed in my life and I know it.........................
Yes I know this is today a short Monday  send... In truth I am still overwhelmed  by emotions..
And  so I start this week with Prayers for all of you and your Families,.. As I petition my God to
Meet  the needs of each and everyone of you  and your Family members...
My God meets all my needs everyday and at my age they are very few needs..  So  now my needs are to know those who defended us and  defend us now  are cared for,  those who struggle to make our Countries strong and free  for our future generations are watched over ...
Pray for all the Patriots  around the World who believe in Freedom, who  believe in  defending  all your God Given Rights.. As I  give thanks to  God for the call from the Grandson Standing in the  older part of Arlington  looking at and reading many names  of those who  stepped up to protect and serve ..
I shall never forget though God all things are possible...
I send  you each a hug for your heart today may your week be blessed..

Just me
Never Forget and Never  Surrender


My  Grandson   and his life.. he  and I  started as snail mail  friends..   and grew to  family  as he walked the lands of Iraq and Afghanistan..  His only Family  was a Foster Parent Family.. A family that disapproved of  War..  Yet he signed up  and became a part of a bigger Family .. His only mail from  Home was  from the storage unit where he  stored his  few possessions.   When  they started sending our Men and Women   abroad I had  sent to  some Chaplins  Birthday Cards to be given  out on   the special day  to  any Soldier serving  .. that was our beginning a simple birthday card his  simple  postage free postcard  saying thank you with a  return  address..... Now our dreams for the future.. He has Family now right here.. and  when he gets it all together he will  come out here   a year from this coming August  for  Our Fa,ily Reunion to meet face to face the Family that is his Family..We know everything is day to day but through our God everything   we  dream of is possible..  and hopefully  1 year from this coming August  I  will be able topost pictures of a Family United ..

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