My Second "close-to" Hawk Sighting

Two year's ago I was sitting at this very same window in the living room (where my computer is) and a big beautiful Cooper's Hawk was flying back and forth to the trees across the road and back again to the trees in my yard. After straining to get a better look at him....I told him that I would really enjoy seeing him a bit better, and I asked if he would come closer to the window for me....and within a few minutes...there he was....a very few feet away from all his splendor! He stayed there for a few minutes, and then flew off....and I never saw him again the rest of that winter. I had blogged about his appearance here on my page but I cannot find that entry.

On New Year's Day, hubby and I both caught a quick glimpse of a large bird whooshing by this same window and looking out from windows all over the house, we decided he had quickly vanished (for the time being :o). As I was typing something on the computer...lo and behold...there he was again...just a few feet from the window with his back to a large tree....and slowly flapping his wings (do you suppose to get my attention?).....and this time....staying the same few minutes allowing me to take in his magnificence with my eyes glued on him and my lips shaped in a large "O"....then off he went. (Guess he doesn't want to spoil me too much :o)

As with before....I sat here with a feeling of such wonder and awe in my chest....and according to Native Teachings....his appearance indicates he has brought me a message....or perhaps he is bringing one back to the Creator of all living things *for* me. Either way....what a blessing for me to experience on the very first day of this new year 2013! I am so blessed and my heart is full of joy.

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