A year ago I went to the Doctor for a check up and I was in poor condition health wise and physically. I remember looking at the sheet you take to the lab for blood tests and I saw the words 'morbidly obese'. My first thoughts were 'holy, okay, I know I am fat but not that bad'. The medical secretary weighed me and the scale read 114 kg, which is 252 lbs. Well that hit home, no wonder my knees ache all the time. On the way home I did a lot of thinking about myself and my family. It was then and there I made the decision to lose weight. February 3rd, 2012..yep! My baby, who will be turning 16 in a few months, and I just moved into our own apartment as we used to share a house with my son. We moved about 12 city blocks away, which is just over 1 km(over half a mile) I went home and told her we are going to start walking to her brother's every day after work. Ohhh emm gee...it took me almost 40 minutes to walk that distance, that included about four 2 minute rest stops. But it got better, it slowly dwindled down, 35 minutes....30 minutes 3 rest stops..25 minutes...22 minutes 2 rest stops. Oh yeah...I kept track of all the details because I was determined. By April, I was able to walk that distance in 14 minutes without resting. I lost 25 lbs. However, i had a problem now. I was jiggling and it wasn't a nice jiggle either. So I decided to join a gym. I made an appointment for June 3rd, 2012. I had my measurements taken...I was weighed. When I joined I weighed 218 lbs. I was pretty happy, I lost more weight. I kept a journal of my progress and I will share some with you.

August 27th, 2012
I had my measurements taken at Goodlife Fitness today. I have lost a grand total of 15 inches. I have only lost 10 lbs since I started June 3rd, but that's okay. :-D
August 29th
Good Morning my friends! Yesterday was a very good day indeed. I finally did my 3rd measurement since I've started working out. I have gained 2 1/2 inches on muscle on my thighs and added a 1/8 inch on my bicep. Because of that I have gained 2 lbs BUT I have lost 2 inches on my waist line. I was kinda amazed I gained the 2 lbs because I do feel slimmer overall. It's all good though, gives me incentive to try a little harder. This last month wasn't difficult but there were a few times I've treated myself....hahahaha. Ixnay on pigging out until my daughters' wedding now. I am so excited for my babygirl?.
Sept 05, 2012
Well I lost another 5 lbs in 2 weeks!! I was just telling my daughter I feel like a yo-yo dieter. Only thing is I am not dieting. I lose and gain...if it wasn't for the fact that I am building muscle I would be concerned. I feel so good...so wonderful. God bless you all for your support and encouragement.
October 05, 2012
I had an awesome workout today. I did Workout 101 which concentrates on my arms, I also did some Core Strength training upped my weights up to 80 lbs. Tomorrow it will be just Cardio. Feels so good to be working out again. But I shall sleep good tonight...8 hours baby. Time for me to go to bed, rise and shine early tomorrow. Good night all!
November 09, 2012
Well this week I started using free weights, so I will be mixing it up with the machines as well. I've lost 20 lbs so far. To me it doesn't seem much but my clothes tell a different story. I am doing a lot of upper body workouts for now because I am having some serious side boobs....ahahahha....oh well. The good news is they're shrinking. Thank god. I really enjoy going to the gym, I should have done it years ago

So that was a few of my entries. I am still working out. I now weigh 204 lbs but I still have a long way to go. My goal is to be down to 175 lbs by June 3rd of this year. I quit weighing myself because it doesn't matter anymore. The scale and the picture don't add up.

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Comment by Nancy Peters on February 3, 2013 at 6:24pm

Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I really appreciate it and I am always telling everyone now "if I can do it, so can you" You can do anything if you believe in yourself. It isn't easy but you must have faith. The hardest part is to start. :-D I will post again in a couple of months. I find I don't have time to come online anymore because after work I go to the gym and when I get home, I make supper and I just want to relax. Thank you all again. Love each and every one of you ♥

Comment by Val on February 3, 2013 at 11:15am

Good job keep up the excellent work!

Getting into shape can be hard but very rewarding.

Comment by robbie J on February 2, 2013 at 2:02pm

wow this is great work and good on you :) keep us updated plz all the best my friend :)

Comment by LadyHawkღ on February 2, 2013 at 10:42am

I'm sooo proud of you Nancy! I remember you telling me months ago of you struggle and your goal. I'm very happy that you posted your journal..it's a great incentive to others.
Big Hugs,

Comment by Ms. Down-to-Earth on February 2, 2013 at 8:40am

I'm very happy for you and look forward to your further updates.

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