Of late it seems like more of my Veterans who served in Vietnam are tellingme Doctors are just now finding the Big A.Orange and that they have a big fight ahead of them.. After years of working hard, raising Families, and struggling to over come the scars of a War haed fought just so they could return home..

One brother has helped write a letter from a Son to a Father whom are both fighting the Big C cancer..

And as some of you know I am a Cancer Survivor..
I lost a Child toCancer and another Son is in his 2nd battle with Cancer..

Today there are so many different cancers I no longer just support Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Agent Orange Cancers, but All Cancers..

Sotoday I am again sharing a Video I made and a Video created for my Brother Ron who also supports the fight against All Cancers..

Rons Video

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Comment by Loretta Riddell (Elohi) on June 19, 2015 at 2:42pm

My Dear Brother Tsoi, All cancer patients have a high chance of reocurring cancer..And the one who just notified me he has been diagnoised with the A Orange as he calls it, well we have had many years to build our bonds, He is a fighter also and the only prayer he has is to be able to care for his wife who also has been diagnoised and is dying slowly of another Disease , This we have talked about for the last 5 years when she was told.. I am only his sister who does as he asks Pray.. and listen when the load is someetimes unbearable.. Those I can touch I do, those who want voice to voice get it.. When my God Given Son Crashed and Burned after leaving Iraq and they sent him to Germany he listed me as his Mom so we could communicate while he was in the hospital not once but twice.. When he returned stateside he called the night before the 4th.. Fireworks put him under his bed.. in tears , shaking and just needing to know he was Syill Home..

I worry about all our Veterans .. I have done much research..some of the chemicals you and others were sprayed with is in our foods.. so I urge them to read what they buy before they injest it.. A few years ago I had a round with Tillamook ice cream .. They ised to use some of the chemicals that are also in Anti Freeze.. when I first read about it I got a jug at the store and compared ingredients and foung matching chemicals... I also question is it possible some of the chemicals suppress and hide what is happening to the bodies ..
Our youngest boy now fights his second round of colon and testicular cancer, our Robert had cancer at a early age they said he would not live to 18 months, but his final death ws on his 17th birthday at home with me.. I believe God knows when and doctors violated a do not rececitate order and brought him back the first time.. He knew he died and refused to rest until he could come home..My Sisters Cancer was very different and only Faith and the Spirits carried me through the lesson of some cancer patients flesh rots away and learning to handle the smell of that was not the easiest and knowing when I moved her fragile body I could easily break her bones.. .. and yes I was the one with her when she crossed over.. But I can say this Our Great Creator made me walk through everything for a reson and any Vet with Cancer within my reach will never be alone.. And Brother Rod who wrote the words for the other video now stands at the side of all Our Veterans he can reach in PA who have Cancer....We continue to reach out and get others to reach out to those within their reach.. With the psot tramatic stress all of you dealt with and the spraying, I now pray we do not find out those in Iraq, Afghanistan, and some deployed to Africa do not have to face the same thing as time passes them by..Especially when some voiced concerns about some of the shots they were ordered to get after arriving over there..
My Brother I feel it is a never ending circle for all of You from Vietnam to this very day.. And truth is I cannot trust government to protect any of you...I too am a Heart patient but Our Creator has kept it strong and working for a reason ...Hugs your Sister who owes you more than she can ever repay in thanks for her Freedom

Comment by Tsoi Tawodi on June 19, 2015 at 1:39pm

Loretta....very much enjoyed you video on cancer. I too am a cancer survivor which is directly attributed to Agent Orange as well as my heart disease. We were actually sprayed on one mission because we were in a place that no one knew we were in because it was, of course, illegal for us to be there under the rules of engagement, but we had our orders. It is sad how many vets have died as a result of this action by our government. I volunteered, I wasn't drafted but I did not volunteer to be poisoned by our government. My own cancer may come back...that is a constant series of testing etc. so anything I can do to help you in this area please let me know. You do so much for our vets and it is important that you know that we appreciate it. Whatever days I have left I will use to encourage others to make the most of what time is there and at the same time, NOT remain silent about all of this.
You are a gift Loretta....never think otherwise please....we vets need people and voices like you.
I was a Corpsman with the Marines (medic) and my job was to help others and try to save lives and put pieces back together or at least give them a chance for survival so and I do that to this day. If there is any way I can help you in your efforts...I am at your service.
No vet should ever feel alone or like they are battling something all by their self. We are a family...like Native people...we will work together and bring comfort.
You are awesome...a true gift from the Divine...
Equa Wado (great thanks)

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