1 box of gelatin mix, we use unflavored.
10 cups bird seed, we use Pennington birders blend. You prepare the gelatin as directed on the box (the one I get calls for 1 cup cold water and 1 cup hot water). Then mix in your bird seed. We usually do 1/2 of it at a time, so half the gelatin and 1/2 the bird seed. I spray cooking spray in the eggs so they come out easier and then pack with the mixture. Put in fridge to let set up (I put our in a glass container as some of the gelatin might come out the holes in the eggs).
10 cups makes 3-4 dozen normal size eggs. We do the bigger ones as well and it all stays together.

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Comment by Loretta Riddell (Elohi) on April 2, 2020 at 7:32am

You got a beautiful addition to your Family Chris...

Comment by Chris Durbin on April 2, 2020 at 4:45am

Nice idea!
We've been feeding birds 30+ years in our back yard. Of course sometimes a hawk decides what a juicy place to get dinner. One year a hawk brought down a homing pigeon while I was at my fish cleaning station cleaning mullet. I threw a fish at him and he flew off. He broke the birds wing and we "rescued" it. The conservancy of S W Florids said they didn't treat that type of bird. So he is now been part of our family for 17 years in his cage on the back porch.

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