At my age I really do count my blessings.. 

I really enjoy seeing the daily changes in those near and dear.

Kei is the youngest Great Grand  Son near  me 

Watching him grow and explore the world around him..

Makes this old woman  Smile all the time..

Great Grand Daughter Ali now 3 and in preschool and her world is  changing constantly.

She writes her name knows her colors and numbers.

This year she talked to the Grinch and made him promise to be nice this year.

Baking cookies with me and her uncles girl friend  for Santa and Mr Grinch.

So Mr Grinch sent her a baby Grinch.

So Mrs Santa sent her matching bed clothes for her and baby Grinch.

Enjoying the young ones around me is another reason to  smile everyday I have.

In March I will head back east to spend time with other Grand, Greats and Great Greats..

But when I am here alone I am not really alone I have my almost daily visitors.

They always want feed treats and when Ali is here that's one of her favorite times.

The twins are growing fast and have their winter coats now even though we  have had temps in the 50's

But they like their mother expect apples and carrots when they visit, but their Mom also likes

Toast with Strawberry or Raspberry Jam.

Curiosity just like any child the one fawn  had to investigate the cat. But the cat is used to deer 

so all went well..

No pictures of the eagles today but they are always flying over  head.

Life is good  and  I can always find a reason to feel blessed...

Hopefully if you are reading this you too  see blessings around you each and everyday.

No matter how rough life can get there's always something in everyday to make us Smile

if only we look around us.

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Comment by Ms. Down-to-Earth on January 6, 2020 at 9:09am

Lovely !

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Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment

Blessings To Count

Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments

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