So many times I hear those words
I also live those words because so many I know Never Made It Home, and some I knew were the People living in the land where our Men and Women were serving who stood shoulder to shoulder with our Men and Women in those far away lands.. and the below story is about just that a Family in Vietnam and one of ours serving over there..


Hello my Montagnard friend. I was watching a movie last evening that bought you to me.

The moderator near the end of the movie was talking about heroes. He said generals, politicians, and regular people need heroes but not soldiers like you and I. He said soldiers do not fight for medals or to be heroes, but instead for their buddies, for those on their right and left.

You were a true hero; you gave your life to save a friend. I’m so sorry that friend had to be me. I would give anything that I had died for you rather than you for me. If only I could turn back the clock.

I wept for you last evening; deep feelings flooded me as I remembered those minutes from years ago. I remember our laughing, our horsing around like we were young kids, our friendship. You were a true friend and I miss very much. I remembered holding and playing with your children and I remember holding your body.

I have asked your forgiveness so many times, I don’t know your response, but knowing you, you laughed and said that it was ok. I carry such guilt my friend and I cannot put it down. Is that my penance for what happened? If so, it is not penance enough, nothing can be.

Forgive me my hero, my true friend.

© Charles Schwiderski

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Comment by Loretta Riddell (Elohi) on July 31, 2016 at 7:11am

Chris Durbin, I have not read "Parting Notes" yet I do know there is a after life and there are ties that can and will keep some in tune and touch with those who have entered their next phase of being.. I also know some we feel others we can see as though they never moved on..peace within oneself can open many doors of understanding. and never letting the doubts of others cloud ones vision is important..

Comment by Loretta Riddell (Elohi) on July 31, 2016 at 6:58am

Comment by Chris Durbin on July 30, 2016 at 10:30am

Very nice Ms Loretta,
If I may, let me include a story from "Parting Notes" by April Crawford. We all have our own beliefs. I just couldn't put this book down. I've been studying about the "after life" for a while now an the first of this month I was in the emergency room after loosing three pints of blood from an internal hemorrhage and admitted for four days. I was very calm and peaceful with the thought of "going home." Universe leads you where you need to go, just listen.

A short note from "Rachel"

Dear friend,
It is said that the last moments of life are the most dear. It is then that the soul savors the last bit of physicality. Your life runs before your eyes like a silent film. Events rise and fall in a crescendo of emotion.
I can tell you that most of it is true. You see I am what you would term as dead. I can still communicate however, certainly a surprise for me.
I always believed that once you died it was over. Now I know different.
The last glimmer of life left my body in the evening. I was disappointed because I wanted to see the morning sun one more time. There were many things that I regretted leaving behind. My last intake of breath was painful, the exhale oddly soothing. I expected panic but remained calm. My body stopped functioning but my spirit became more acute. It was odd.
Images passed before me. My eyes no longer available I began to use thought as an indicator to what I perceived. I found the images to be sharper. Very odd. Of course there was a ripple of chaos when everyone realized I was dead.
There tears such a waste for I was more alive than before. I hoped for language skills of any sort so that I could convey I was OK. I soon learned that a spiritual connector was needed for such things. Now at last it has revealed itself to me. And now I speak. No easy task without a body of your own.
My message is simple. "You live on." In an altered state but alive. I know that it would have been important for me to know that when I was alive in the physical. I hope it gives you comfort. Without a physical body it is different. One learns to create what one needs. Perhaps creation is a process to be practiced. Just know that all is well. Go in peace and love.

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