half mast flag and worn out boots
that’s what i see at the end of many of my veterans days
coming home from wars torn and beaten inside
many hearts filled with anger and pain
hearts turned into half mast flags that cling to the memories
the brothers lost, the good times together
listening as they talked about the brother bond
the ties that bound them together as one

and when they came home they never forgot their brothers gone
yet even tho they may have put those boots away somewhere
they never really took them off
you just can’t see them
just as they never stopped living the oath they took
they live out the rest of their lives ready willing and able
just as those who still survive today
making sure their brothers are ok
are recognized for their service
and are there when they are needed
you see Patriot Guard Riders
you witness it when you see the Honor Guards
or when a disabled veteran stands and salutes our flag
and yes even when they feel
your government has betrayed you or their families
they stand ready in boots you will never see
their hearts half mast for those they lost
over the years and in their wars
ready to do what is right for everyone of their brothers and you

as i get ready to lower my flag again for a brother
who came home from Vietnam
never forgetting his brothers sacrifices
doing his damnedest to make sure their service to this country was recognized
and those he has left behind with us are recognized
may i never let our Veterans down by forgetting all they have given
rest in peace brother
may you now walk without those boots
knowing we care enough to carry on your mission
thanking those who served, making sure none are forgotten
and being forever grateful

Loretta Riddell©2015

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