Just a place to share your daily or weekly weather reports! What is the weather like in your area today and how does it affect you?

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its 6.30am here and the sun is shining brightly through the trees...its going to be another hot Summers Day around 31 degrees...

It's 40 outside right now and they say it is not going to rain Wahoooo so I will be putting up a fence while the weather is good...

Fence is done and now it rains outside , but it is a warm 41 so now I am going to raise the umberella over the table and have a cappichino coffee and listen to the gentle rain for awhile.. Have a great day everyone, please vote

Raining here and 45 degrees.. Have had so much rain I need to get a load of gravel in the driveway, cause right now I have to mini rivers running down to the road... won't really worry until I see fish swimming up the drive.. lol have a Great Day Everyone

Up here we had about 4 inches of snow during the early part of the night but has been raining now for a few hours so this morning is quite the slushy mess out there right now. May be too wet for the snow blower but the upside is..... it is moisture that is much needed here. Sitting on 34 right now and are calling for a high of 39 so will be interesting how things go today.
Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

39 right now but am up and dressed and awaiting my 2 nd load of gravel,,,, they say pouring down rain headed here so hope I can get it all spread while it's not raining..Have a great day everyone

think your weather has moved up here we could have more trees come down.. yes our ski ing days are done here too and Mt Hood has lots of snow this year.. my last set of ski's were made by my grandfather from a well aged wine keg.. I was more a snow shoe person wnjoying the tranquility of the mountains away from the skiers

Umberella up and listened to a light rain they say it will reach a high of 50 today and it's supposed to dry off around noon with some blue skies and sun then tonight the rain will move in for the weekend.. We are still getting warnings of trees possibly coming down and just 8 miles from me a friend is facing possible flooding of his and and his basement.

Hopefully Mother Nature is treating all of you nice while restoring herself..

Have a wonderful weekend

Morning All
well it is wet, windy and 50 outside and so this morning it was hot chocolate outside.. many think I have lost it but being raised a wild child in the country free to explore and experience life from the top of a tree or what was on the bottom of the river beds.. what lives and life has always made me happy.. Have a Great and Safe Weekend Everyone

Lots of snow ho ho going on here this morning so looks like it will be a snow blower kind of day later on. Calling for rain tomorrow so I will have to get the white stuff moved first to avoid the Slurpee effect.
It is beautiful though...and so good for our Earth Mother and all our relations.
Wishing all of you a good weekend and Val, take good care of yourself please.
See the beauty everyone... and know you are a large part of it.

We have had a constant heatwave here in Queensland, Australia then yesterday it was freezing, with winds blowing fiercely...today hot again...
down south in South Australia bush fires have burnt out 160 property's...praying for rain....

Wishing you all the best down there White Fawn. Here in NW Washington (just below the Canada border) we have been getting snow all day. Wish we could send you some for sure. Here, this last summer up in this hemisphere we had the worst fires in state history and the smoke was non stop for weeks.
Hang in there and thanks for keeping us up to date!!


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