Just a place to share your daily or weekly weather reports! What is the weather like in your area today and how does it affect you?

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Hope you all are having a good an productive Sunday. Still raining here.. this is several days now and calling for rain through most of the week. Made a decision to be productive with all this and made myself a short-timers calendar counting down to 40 day and nights. Today is day 32 remaining so will start collecting bugs and animals on day 20. Wish me luck since I don't have a boat but have several inner tubes and a compressor.
LOL...actually....it is doing our Earth Mother good here...the streams are running higher, ponds and lakes are gaining and our animal relations are no doubt much happier.
Wishing all of you a good week.....

Well it is 54 outside and it isn't raining it is pouring right now and the winds well I put rocks in my pockets..when outside.. and carry the furry one to the sheltered side of the house..cause some of the stuff blowing around is bigger than she is.. They say we have another 3 days of sstorm fronts coming in with high winds..

Have my scanner on and there are flooded and blocked roads from downed trees, so I have no intention of going anywhere.. and the coast guard just told a small boat to get up closer to them on the sheltered side then they can attach some ropes to keep them safe coming in... Was this time last year another boat went down with a full load of crab, but they rescued everyone on board..

Tsoi I imagine you are getting the same thing where you are so please stay safe.. and everyone else who is getting battered by this weather...

Osiyo Loretta....yes... the rain continues and is being called for over the next 10 days so will be interesting to see what gets flooded. Also for Wednesday they are saying strong winds and with this soft ground.... it could be interesting as Spokane just did get power back after a couple of weeks down with the last winds.
Earth Mother is having her say and humans have a tough time understanding why things are the way they are even though these same humans have choked her, cut her belly open and dumped their poisons into her, carved up her face for buildings, destroyed so much and on an on.
The rest of us know why things are as they are and we adjust... the rest fear.
Earth Mother will have the final say.... humans only 'think' they know better.
But as I posted Loretta...what the hey... may be time to get a boat and start looking for animal pairs eh? LOL.... We just take things as they come and I hope you enjoy your little four legged girl and keep her, as well as you of course... safe!!! No matter the winds that blow through our lives, there will always be a time to find humor, fix a smile and see the beauty. And on this day, Dec. 7... I salute all who have served, are serving, and will serve and for sure those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us to be free. Some were killed outright...others of us die more slowly but either way, we are the warriors of this great nation. Sidanelai

I am with you in Saluting every man woman and yes in many wars the very young.. am constantly aware of the trials our Veterans face since my Brother is one of them who lives with only half a heart, but a heart bigger than any politician has for Our Country and our Lands..

Guess I will be doing my part to get pairs rounded up LOL... Was talking to my Daughter and Brother and we will be rescuing the other little one in that horrific Rescue House.... We have been worried about it since we rescued Precious... But the call has been made and now all we have to do is find open roads and highways to get it done... The one I have now weighed in at 4 lbs 15 oz.. and the other one is a little bigger but in no way should be living outside during the day and on a garage floor at night or be with the other dogs who are aggresive...When I said I had to live for the living that meant everything living...

We will have the same weather they are forcasting for you, but they predict more wind storms in the next 3=4 days... so yes if I am not on the road to rescue I will be safe inside with the little one or ones.. While Mother Nature works hard to undo some of the harm of the ignorant..

Humor right now is not evident as I am dealing with Win.10 and am considering going to lenix and putting a end to Microsoft and the constant changes.. In fact the machine I am on now has Win. 7 , Microsoft is popping up every morning telling me to change but I am ignoring them cause I really do not like 10.thats on my other machine. Feel like government has moved into it and the programs it said I could use it now says they are out dated and I need to update them.. They just have not offered to pay for the updated programs...like my Microsoft Office..

Well enough of that.. Stay Safe Brother Thank You for Tiyr Service and Thanks for your Love of our Lands and all of Gods Creatures

Hope everyone is ok today.. So many problems in Oregon.. Hard to believe all the flooding and road closures..They say the rain is mostly out of the way today but more coming in tonight and tomorrow. So the little one and I will make a trip to the store getting what we need for our new fur baby who is coming in tomorrow if the roads are passable. Otherwise my baby brother and his wife will hang on to him until they can get here safely.. Please have a Safe Day if your dealing with any of this flooding and rain

Glad to know you are okay Loretta. I was just reading in the news about Oregon and the floods and mudslides in areas as well as some pretty good sink holes so yes, please be careful out there and hunker down for the rest of the storms. I am surprised there is not more flooding up here as it has been raining every day now for at least the last ten days and I was up this morning as usual by a quarter to 4 and it began really pouring and that lasted for nearly 45 minutes. Just kind of crazy so please take good care of the two of you sister.
Best wishes to all....stay safe where ever you may be.

Morning everyone, do hope everyone is ok,,

Washington and Oregon have really got alot of people struggling with all the flooding and landslides.. and sadly some deaths .. We have some real strong gusts this morning and they are saying some more rain which could lead to more trees down, and sliding of our lands...hopefully not so much we have more flooding.. The temperatures are dropping so with snow on our mountains that possibilty should be reduced...

Be safe and have a beautiful day

Osiyo Loretta,
Still raining up here as well....got some snow mixed in with it but the ground is so saturated I, like you, am hoping that there are no major slides like what happened here last year that took so many lives and wiped out an entire town. Still, the moisture is good in a lot of ways so I do try to stay positive with that part, but have given up on trying to get all the animals on a boat for now....lol.
Be well everyone...look in your mirror and see that beautifully awesome gift reflected back to you... then take that gift and touch others in a good way with your wonder...
Stay safe Loretta..


I hope all of you are safe and warm thru all of the storms up there. We had our flooding and high winds last month and now for the past few weeks we have had temps in the mid 70's. I'm certainly not complaining about a high of 72 today but we are 20 degrees warmer than normal for this time of year. I take that as a sign of really bad weather coming in the next month for the South.
Stay warm and dry...

Well hey girl... just get out front and blow your weather up our way eh? LOL...glad things are going well for you and for those of us up here in the pacific northwest...well...we just chug along.
Things are changing... Earth Mother has had enough of human arrogance and now she is speaking...
Thanks for your post and wow... for sure enjoy 72...yeehaw for you!!!!

Thursday was not a day for anyone to travel.. so I did not get my 2nd fur baby until Friday.. My Brothers town was hit by the F1 tornado in Battleground Wash. thankfully it was a mile away from his home.. after 6 hours on the road he said he was turning back... So yesterday he and a friend delivered Free Willy in pouring down rain... and today we are again under High Wind warnings from 8AM to 5 PM... anyway here is a picture of my kids.. the little girl weighs in at 4 lbs 15 oz and my boy at 6lbs 4 oz...she is the short haired Chi and he is a long haired Chi fluffy ball of fur..

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. Clouds here but for the first time in about 11 days it is not raining in the morning. Strange weather.
Loretta...hope your four legged's are enjoying being spoiled with love and affection. By the way...is there anyone here who over see's this weather page that can clear all of this stuff from way back when? Just curious.
Have a great day all!!!!!!!!!!


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