9 Natural Ways To Keep Snails and Slugs Out Of Your Garden

For slimy creatures, snails and slugs are actually kind of cute! However, when these pests start to eat your spinach leaves or attack your pepper plants, they quickly become unwanted guests.

Land snails often leave behind slime trails. On the other hand, slugs drop traces of silvery slime on chewed leaves on the ground. You will also notice holes on huge foliage and leaves of seedlings completely consumed.

9-ways-slugs-snails-garden-07312015https://bestplants.com/wp-content/uploads/9-ways-slugs-snails-garden-07312015-300x158.jpg 300w, https://bestplants.com/wp-content/uploads/9-ways-slugs-snails-garden-07312015-600x315.jpg 600w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px">

Although they look small, these snail slugs eat a lot of leaves. And it means danger to your beloved plants. So before they eat most of the leaves of your plants or wreak havoc on your entire vegetable garden, think fast and find a way to kill slugs and snails.

We all know driving them away with chemicals may seem harsh. Not only do these pests, but also to your plants and animals that could get near to the area. With this, you need to think on how you can naturally get rid of snails and slugs.

At first, you may think that organic slug control spells trouble and extreme difficulty. Worry not as we came up with easy slug and snail control. You don’t need to become an expert when it comes to pest control for the safety of your plants.

Below are 9 natural ways to keep snails and slugs out of your garden.

#1 – Diatomaceous Earth

Diatoms are microscopic green algae with a glass-like (silica based) shell.

Diatomaceous earth is made from the fossilized remains of these glassy creatures. If you sprinkle a circle of this special “dirt” around your plants being attacked, this will deter the snails and slugs.

For these pests to crawl over diatomaceous earth, it would be like people walking barefoot over broken glass on the beach… ouch!

For diatomaceous earth to be effective, however, you will need to reapply it often as it doesn’t work as well after it gets wet.

#2 – Crushed Egg Shell

Like diatomaceous earth, crushed egg shell will deter snail and slugs due to its abrasiveness to their soft bodies.

While egg shells aren’t quite as effective as diatomaceous earth, they have the added benefit of providing calcium and other nutrients to your soil as they break down! Plus, water doesn’t affect them as much.

Also, used coffee grounds are recommended as a way to keep slugs and snails out of the garden.

#3 – Beer Traps

If you don’t mind killing your garden snails and garden slugs, beer traps are a good option.

Dig a hole near the plants that are being attacked by the pests. Bury a recycled beer can, plastic container, or glass jar into this hole so the top of the container is flush with the top of the soil.

Pour cheap beer into this container. Snails and slugs are naturally attracted to the scent of beer because it contains yeast but they get disoriented when they drink it. This is a very effective snail or slug trap.

When this happens, they fall inside the container and drown. Be sure to use a container deep enough so they can’t just crawl back out again.

#4 – Get Some Chickens Or Ducks

If you live in the country, this is a solution to your slug problem that will also produce some nice farm fresh eggs.

Free ranging chickens and ducks don’t just eat grass! They also love highly nutritious and delicious slugs and snails and will happily help you with your problem!

If you cannot afford to raise these foul birds in your small backyard, consider introducing your garden to beneficial insects. Such organisms eat snails or kill slugs. They can also help you control other garden pests while dealing with the slug or snail problem.

#5 – Put Some Chopped Mint In Your Soil

Mint grows like gangbusters and can even take over a yard if it isn’t cut back.

If you have a flower bed that is being attacked, consider adding your mint trimmings to the soil to deter snails and slugs. They are repelled by the smell.

However, to the human nose, the sweet-smelling mint and the fragrance of the flowers blend well together. In fact, you may find your neighbors coming over for natural aromatherapy!

#6 – Plant Rosemary Or Thyme Bushes Nearby

Rosemary and thyme are in the mint family, so like mint (such as peppermint and spearmint), these plants deter slugs and snails with their aroma! Just give them the right care and watering requirements, and they will pay you back big time.

This is a simple but effective natural slug and snail deterrent and you’ll have some nice perennial herbs for cooking.

Slugs and Snail Control Tips


#7 – Put Seaweed In the Soil

If you live near an ocean beach, collect seaweed and chop it up to create mulch. Mix the seaweed into the top layer of soil around your plants.

The iodine smell will deter slugs and snails and it will add nutrients to the soil as it decays! This includes many trace nutrients that would be difficult to get into your garden soil any other way!

In fact, if you have any seaweed left over after you create your mulch, don’t throw it away! Put it in your compost pile!

#8 – Don’t Water Your Garden In the Evening

Snails and slugs are more active at night because it’s moister then and they need a moist environment to survive.

If you water your garden in the evening, this just creates a haven for these slimy creatures and they’ll be even more attracted to your plants! You’ll notice the impact on the leaves of your plant the next morning.

If you water your plants in the morning, the daytime sunlight will dry the plants out before nightfall and make them less attractive to slugs and snails.

#9 – Pick Them Off By Hand

While this method may seem time-consuming, you may be able to solicit the help of your kids!

They will find this a fun activity and you won’t have to apply any pesticides to your yard where they play.

If it is safe to do so, you can have them take a flashlight out at night and pick off the snails and slugs when they are more active. Just wash your hands with soapy water afterward.

If you don’t want to do it on your own, you may use the eco-guard pest management services. They are professionally licensed in pest control and received great reviews throughout the duration of their business.

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