Just a place to share your daily or weekly weather reports! What is the weather like in your area today and how does it affect you?

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Osda Morning Loretta and all .... well here it is sitting on 28 so I guess fall has officially arrived in the Pacific northwest. Yesterday's hard frost finished off the zucchini plants so will pull them today. Crisp mornings but clear and no fires... a nice change. Hope all of you see the beauty in the day and that wonderful gift you see reflected to you when you look in your mirror!! Enjoy!!

Another cool morning here at 32 degrees but clear and beautiful. In the process of moving to a new place (ugh) so will have a busy several days. Not going far but still it is moving...lol.
Hope you all have a great rest of the week and see the beauty that surrounds you and know you are a large part of it!!!!!!

Really glad to hear that Michael....we could sure use some up here as well but you all have had to endure a lot with the fires as well. Thanks for the update...wishing you and those you care about all the best and perhaps some more rain as well!!!! Sidanelai... (we are all family)

Morning Everyone, it is 53 right now and they sayit will warm up to a comfortable 65... It has been so dry I had to water the garden which is still producing tomatoes and peppers... May you all have a wonderful day enjoy all your blessings

Osiyo Loretta... glad you had a brisk morning and good day. Here it was 28 this morning but it was the major part of the 'move' day so got an early start. Had one young guy who was great to help me and another senior....lol. He for sure saved our day. By days end, the weather got to about the low 70's but is now totally overcast so should be a warmer night. When the moving part got to the finish part, the wife was kind enough to go to the local hardware to get me some rope so I could tie it around my bottom side and drag my you know what inside. But the great part is, I can still do some of it, still able to see the beauty of the day and at times felt like a Tom Sawyer with the young buck doing so much. I did pay him well.....We really do have some good youth out there.
May you all sleep well tonight...I sure will, and then when you awake...look in your mirror for that special gift to see to get your day going.
Equa wado for each of you

Morning Everyone, It is 52 and we are recieving the
the nectar of life from the clouds in our heaven above..Much needed and appreciated by this old woman...still going to be in the 60's today

Yes Tsoi I got up with a Smile but the mirror has turned it's face to the wall..
Hope you got plenty of restful ZZZZ's

Do hope those in the East get some relief soon ..
Hugs, and Peace to all as the day moves forward..

A comfortable morning here in NW Oregon they say possible showers today but got the warning of high winds and waves tomorow.. so while its calm I will be out securing chairs and etc.. I seem to get the winds sitting on a hill and I hate chasing things in windy weather.. If the winds get to strong it may put a end to my garden...but with temps in the 60's I may try to protect the plants too if I find time..Wishing everyone a great day and a Fantastic week end

Sunday Surprises ...
Well the winds have died down and Nature has helped me again, some of the dead limbs are now on the ground so no tree climbing when I start pruning trees and bushes around the house.. warm outside this morning with partial cloudy skies so stars were visible...my thermometer read 58 outside.. But got anoither surprise this morning as I sat on the porch drinking coffee, which I have not seen in the last25 years unless it was road kill.. A very beautifull Black and White Skunk.. paused looked at me and continue across my yard..Was a real surprise for sure and yes I am very glad it did not want to investigate who i was... Wishing Everyone a Warm and wonderful Sunday filled with Peace and Harmony

Osiyo All,
Had some good rain yesterday and this morning it is sunny and clear. Just got the lawn mowed and the best part is....the moving will be finished today. Has been good however to not have to rush and try and get it all done in one day but this age thing...lol.....well...' nuff ' said eh?
Hope you all have a great Sunday filled with love, peace and perhaps some loving family to surround you.

NW Oregon well sat outside while rain fell gently on and around me, so today is scattered showers and intermittent sun breaks and a possible high of 62

Have a great day Brothers and Sisters

Early Mornings are wonderful...
Was sitting on my porch at 1: 45 with a hot cup of double chocolate Mocha, the security light had gone out.. so quiet and peaceful, then my first kid showed up turning on the security light
stopping less than 4 feet from me his rack has gotten so big and still covered with velvet, thought for a minute while he checked out the steaming cup I would have to share with him ..Instead he moved on after a shake of his head to see what I had put out for him last night... I really know how fortunate I am not to live in the bigger towns....Wish you all a peaceful day...It's almost 5:30 now so I need to get busy got more painting to get done before this day is done...oh the weather it has been comfortable outside this morning feels like the upper 50's and they are predicting sun with a few clouds today...

Such a beautiful morning, it is raining here and very comfortable outside. I remember as a child dancing in the rain with my mother...sometimes because we needed it other times for no other reason than everything was being washed clean and the air smelled wonderful... They say our rain is here for the rest of the week, so I plan on enjoying it.. May you all have a wonderful day


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