Just a place to share your daily or weekly weather reports! What is the weather like in your area today and how does it affect you?

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Tsoi, FreeWillie is adjusting slowly, Precious is terrified of men... so for now it maybe a good thing I am alone with them. She will not even take her favorite treat from a man so my work is cut out for me..

Your heart is filled with love to give away so Free Willie will do just fine. You touch life the way it is supposed to be....your little loved ones will flourish with your heart and love, just like the rest of us do here with you sharing your heart and love....as it should be.

13 days of rain and it's getting colder. they say we will have a day with no rain somtime this week with another storm moving in thurs. or fri.

Hopefully everyone is staying warm and dry,,

Okay Loretta.... lets find a boat and start getting the critters two by two to bring on board....

WAHOO I saw the sun it appeared for 3 minutes then all of a sudden it disappeared and again it is pouring down rain.. the 2 little ones beat me into the house.. I agree time to build that boat

Got the boots by the door. the weather reporters may have had a dry day but sure did not happen here.. and now they are saying there will be more flood watches while it snows on the mountain.. Hopefully most of you will stay warm and dry

Mornin' All.... hope your day is going well. Up here Loretta it is colder so got a drifting of snow during the night... less than an inch and looks to be only into the 30's for a high for the next several days. Good thing is I don't have to be out and about other than maybe the post office here in town so will stay put with the slick roads. Yesterday I had to go into town and see a new primary care doctor with the V.A. 'Choice Program'... another sad joke of the governments effort to be as inefficient as possible and they are doing a good job of it but it is what it is.
Be safe Sister and your two four leggeds... and all of the rest of you I hope things are well with you and that each of you sees that beauty in your mirror each day!!!

Mornin' everyone.... sure hope your day is off to a good start and if it isn't, well, maybe take a deep breath, think of things to be grateful for and then make it an awesome day by using the many wondrous gifts given you.
This afternoon we are on a winter storm warning until Friday evening and calling for 4-6 inches of snow so will be out and about shortly to pick up any last minute items so I don't have to drive on slick roads. Winter has decided to come to town it would seem so will just adapt and keep on keeping on with a smile and gratitude for all the natural world gives us. When we get a lot of snow I generally put a sign in the front yard that reads, "Free Snowman Material-Bring Your Own Shovel' but strangely no one takes advantage of it.....do get some smiles however.
So off to a new day..... remember your mirror.... a beautiful gift awaits you there if you just take time to look .... Sidanelai

Snow-ho-ho !!
Got about 4 inches of snow overnight and still falling heavy. Totally beautiful out there before sunrise which should be in an hour or so and then....the snow blower. For all the Star Wars fans....well...wish I had C3PO to run the machine outside but guess that won't happen.
Have a great day all....!!!!!!!!!!

Well they say another storm moving into our state. Seems like I get the limbs and trash blown in from heaven only knows where and another storm warning comes in with high winds... I hope everyone in Oregon and Washington in the path of this storm are prepared,, so many have lost their homes or been forced from their homes.. Be safe everyone

Hope each of you is with those you love for this holiday and enjoying love, peace and warmth during this time. Here it has been snowing for some days but has been a wet snow and packs down quickly. The mountains here have got a great snow pack for this early so hopefully Jan. & Feb. will add to that since we had such rough fires last year.
Peace to you all....thank each of you for your comments and help here through out this past year. What a great family!!!!!!!!!!

I hope all of you have good weather for Christmas! It's 10:00 p.m. here and I still have the doors open. The thermostat in the hall still says 74. We are ready to float away down here, pouring rain for 2 days straight now. We were under tornado watch for most of yesterday. Nobody here can believe I would still rather deal with the California Bay Area earthquakes than tornadoes.
Big Hugs!...stay warm and dry!


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