Just a place to share your daily or weekly weather reports! What is the weather like in your area today and how does it affect you?

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41 right now but they say the sun will shine off and on today... with company here until Wed, I hope the sun shines and we can go walk on the beach.. I need that freeing moment and so do they ..

Cloudy here in NE Washington but the temp is mid 50's....calling for rain tonight and have to laugh because the temps are so inviting to go out and plant...but also know it is too early and things can change quickly. I am grateful for the Cloud People though...more rain would be good if they choose to leave their moist tears here...so little snow this last winter....whatever your weather...hope you all enjoy it, see the beauty and make the best of what you have for today!!!!!!!! Yeperdoodle!

April 17 and a most beautiful sunny morning here in NE Washington state.....hope all of you see the beauty of each day no matter the weather and always know YOU are a large part of Earth Mother's beauty!! Sidanelai...

I know the Sun is up and apparently my friend to the North is witness to that fact.. Here in NW Oregon the fog bank even obscures the view of a hill only 3 locks from me.. They say it will burn off and we will be in the 60's today.. This is a wonderful world we live in ..Never will we every see what was yesterday the same today.. Everything is constantly changing .. so cherish every moment I know I do

Wishing you a sunny day, free of fog and filled with love, beauty and peace!! Look in your mirror and you will see a most wonderful and precious gift reflected back to you! Sidanelai...

I do not mind the Fog, it is proof I am close to the ocean, I can still see the beauty of Gods Creatures as they cross my yard headed for the river..LOL last time I looked into a mirror I took a selfie and sent it to my guys and gals in Afghanistan and Iraq and told them to put it where it would keep all those lttle critters that get into their things or could bite them making them sick.. Last report i has been working they are all sleeping well and are snug in their cots without the bugs ..no more snug as the bugs in a rug (in their beds)
Have a wonderful Saturday

Another beautiful day in NE Washington this Saturday morning. Hope you all awoke feeling well and seeing the beauty reflected to you in your mirror and through all of the natural world. We are a part of all this....not apart from it. Enjoy your day!!!!!!!!!!!

The new day started at 2:47 this morning dark 30 and 37 degrees, Enjoyed watching everything lighten up with the fog slowly lifting with a expected high of 65 today.. Life moves so quickly as mother Earth has delivered crocus from their winters rest then daffodils, and now the tulips are in full bloom , soon I will be able to watch the pinks and whites of the Peony's as they bud and florish into beautiful blooms, and the Daliaha's are just now peeking through their earthly beds, anticipation as soon the Rhodies will to be in full bloom. Such beauty in weather and all that surrounds me..

NW Oregon the Sun is Shining and 67 is the predicted high ?So I have moved everything I have procrastinated in using or repainting or has sat for months that I will never use out.. and posted a sign For Sale Bargins Galore.. Even got all the bottles and cans ready for the High School Band who is raisng money for new equipement..

The sun is shinning in Oregon and here in NE Washington it is bright sun, blue sky and the birds are singing their morning song in their beautiful way....hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy all our Earth Mother has to offer....Sidanelai

Another beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest this morning...birds are singing their morning song, Sun is rising and a new day begins for us all that we may see beauty in the day and be a part of the healing that is so needed during these times. Sidanelai.....

was 51 this morning and they say the clouds and a little rain will move in later today with a igh of 57.. So fortunate the birds are singing, the deer have been to the river and returned safely to hill they reside on just a couple blocks from me..green is the grass and the flowers are never diappointing.. Life in all shapes and forms surrounds me and I know how blessed I am.. Wishing all a Beautiful day


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