Help Survivors of Japan Quake & Tsunami-Approved Charities

Help Survivors of Japan Quake & Tsunami

An 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan early Friday morning approximately 250 miles northeast of Tokyo, sparking a tsunami that caused major destruction in northern Japan.  According to news reports, the death and injury tolls could exceed 10,000. The area remains on alert due to powerful aftershocks, which may last for days.
Please consider supporting the emergency relief efforts of these organizations. 

ADRA; Initial $25,000 of aid committed. Assessment team evaluating affected area and preparing broader response. Providing food and shelter for train passengers that are stranded in Tokyo.
GIVE TO ALL; Make a donation to Network for Good and we will distribute it across all the organizations listed on this page.
AMERICAN RED CROSS; Gifts to the American Red Cross International Relief Fund will support their disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific.
AMERICARES; Emergency team is on full alert, mobilizing resources and dispatching an emergency response manager to the region.
CONVOY OF HOPE; Disaster Response team established connection with in-country partners who have been impacted by the damage and are identifying the needs and areas where Convoy of Hope may be of the greatest assistance.
DIRECT RELIEF INTERNATIONAL; Emergency response team has mobilized and will continue to monitor the situation worldwide to provide assistance as appropriate and needed in support of the recovery effort.
DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS; Sent two three-person teams attempting to get to the worst-hit areas in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures. Another 25 MSF medical and logistical staff in Japan are on standby to respond once the situation has been assessed.
EFCA; TouchGlobal Crisis Response is in contact with EFCA ReachGlobal staff in Japan assessing the situation to provide relief to those affected by the Japan earthquake and resulting tsunamis.
GLOBALGIVING; Established a fund to disburse donations to organizations providing relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake and tsunami.
INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS; Putting together relief teams, as well as supplies, and are in contact with partners in Japan and other affected countries to assess needs and coordinate our activities.
LIONS CLUB INTERNATIONAL; Providing over US$1.25 million, or 100 million Japanese Yen, for immediate relief. This includes major catastrophe and emergency grant funds as well as designated donations from Lions around the world. LCIF is also monitoring the impact to other Pacific Ocean nations..
MERCY CORPS; On behalf of Peace Winds Japan. Mercy Corps is accepting donations to help survivors of Japan's earthquake and tsunami through our longstanding partner, Peace Winds Japan. Your donation will be used to meet immediate and longer-term needs of earthquake survivors.
OPERATION BLESSING INTERNATIONAL; Teams are currently staging at the Philippines office, preparing their gear and supplies until they are ready to deploy in the coming days. OBI is also poised to send medical and humanitarian relief supplies from locations in the U.S.A. either by ship or aircraft, and possibly deploy additional personnel from the Philippines and other locations into the hard-hit area.
OXFAM USA; Oxfam is poised to respond if disaster strikes vulnerable countries in its path.
SALVATION ARMY; The Salvation Army has been in Japan since 1895 and is currently providing emergency assistance to those in need.
SAVE THE CHILDREN; Mobilizing to provide immediate humanitarian relief in the shape of emergency health care and provision of non-food items and shelter.
SHELTERBOX; ShelterBox responds instantly to natural and man-made disasters by delivering boxes of aid to those who are most in need. The box includes a tent for a family of 10, cooker, blankets, water purification, tool kit and other items survivors need to rebuild their lives in the days, weeks and months following a disaster.
WORLD VISION; World Vision staff members are on high alert, preparing to respond.
If you are a nonprofit planning an emergency response to this event, please email with the following information:

•Please confirm organization name and EIN•Please confirm that you are providing direct relief – i.e. description of efforts and/or website detailing programs is preferred•Brief description (40 characters) describing these activities to include in your listing•Updated GuideStar information is preferred
Charity Navigator's Tips For Giving In Times Of Crisis•Give To An Established CharityDon't let an unscrupulous charity take advantage of your goodwill. Find a charity with a proven track record of success with dealing with the type of disaster and in the region in which the disaster occurred. Avoid fly-by-night charities created specifically to deal with the new crisis. Even well-meaning new organizations will not have the infrastructure and knowledge of the region to efficiently maximize your gift. If you do feel compelled to give to a new charity, be sure to get proof that the group is in fact a registered public charity with 501 (c) (3) status.
•Designate Your GiftWorried that your donation will go towards the charity's general operating fund or saved for a future crisis? This is a very understandable concern. Many charities do encourage donors not to designate their gifts so that the charity can decide how best to utilize the money, but depending on your confidence in the charity's ability to make that determination, you may want to tell the charity exactly how to use your gift. By designating your gift, you'll ensure that your donation will be used as you intended. Most charities with online giving portals offer a check box feature so that you can tell the organization how to spend your contribution. If you are mailing in a check, then write a note in the memo section of the check specifying that you want your gift spent entirely on the current crisis.
•Avoid TelemarketersBe wary of fundraisers who pressure you to make a contribution over the phone. Never divulge your credit card information to someone soliciting you via the phone. Instead, ask the fundraiser to send you written information about the charity they represent and do some research on your own. Once you feel comfortable with the charity, send the organization a check directly in the mail, or give through their website, thus ensuring 100% of your gift goes to the charity and not the for-profit fundraiser.
Read Charity Navigator's Guide to Handling Telephone Appeals
•Research And Follow UpAs always, take the time to find a charity you can trust. Use our free financial evaluations to search for well-run charities worthy of your support. And be sure to follow up with the charity in a few months to find out (a) how your donation was put to use and (b) if the organization needs additional support to complete the recovery effort.
•Give OnlineThe inherent speed of online giving provides instant gratification to donors and offers charities immediate access to much needed funds. At Charity Navigator with the simple click of a mouse you can make a secure online gift to the charities we rate. Each transaction is processed by Network for Good, a trusted industry leader for online giving. Network for Good handled $24.5 million in contributions following the 2004 tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the Pakistan Earthquakes.
Reprinted with the permission of Charity Navigator,, America's leading independent charity evaluator.

DOSOMETHING.ORGIn response to the massive earthquake and devastating resulting tsunami that hit Japan earlier today, is appealing to young people across the United States to share their love and support for the Japanese people with “Paper Cranes for Japan". Learn more at The ask is simple:•Find and upload a photo of an origami paper crane OR Make your own and take a quick pic of it•Upload that photo along with a message of support to the Facebook page•Paper Cranes for Japan.

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Thank you for posting this information. Very important, especially in regards to the unscrupulous ones that can and will take advantage of the good intentions of people.
Thank you LadyHawk well done


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