Who eyes have can see, who ears have can hear :) /\O\/ SiNeh~
Beloved Sister RumiaNa~
Thank you for that wonderful interpretation of this Video
Hadn't I resonated with it deeply, I hadn't posted it on all networks ~we~ are bridged with.
Much love from my heart IN your heart
Dear spiritual Master in Theaching SiNeh,thank you so much for this incredible inportant video,just as a beautifuly explained syntesis of the knowledge,wisdom,understanding,I was given in my OBE/coma at 11 year in the spiritual encounter I had ,as spirit myself{retaining my feelings of the heart,thinking of the mind,longing of the soul to return to the original Eden-Divineself within{lost and found paradise inside our Being,made on the image of God-Goddess=Male-Female= Androgineus!I was shown in telepatic conversation with pictures,the original dream of our Ur sacred universal parents:Jahveh=Savaot=Shiva=Vishnu=Allah=Krishna=Rama=Atum-Ra=Orion=Osiris=Zeos=Quatsakotl...and the Universal Mother=Sirius=Isis=Laksmi=Durga=Sita=Parvati=Radha=Hera=Mother Maria=Mariamne Magdalena...of the Creation,the disobedience to the will of the Lord,from Adam Kadmon +Eve,their exshpelling from the Paradise on Earth from Archangel Michael+the consequences of the fall of humanity to suffering,loosing their conection with their higherself+the Holy Trinity=Father,Mother,Son{Jesus=Time-Light},and brought in hell,as mortals,not Divine Immortals,as was the Original Desigh of the God-Goddess,and their beggoten sonJesus Christ=the immaculated conseption of the incarnate Word,from the beginning of the Creation,being baptysed with water of the Earth+the Heavenly Fire=Holy Spirit,which unifies the Solar+Lunar,Male+Female energies,in sacred "sexual"Divine Union of the two soul-mates,guided to this sacred marriage,only by the Lord,for progeneration,not as selfish lust+matherialistic purpose.In my new prayer,I was asked to say:The Holy Spirit=Fire Love is a infinite Circle,from Alfa to Omega,Unytingin Us:the Divine Love.Faith.Believe+Divine Wisdom,Knowledge,Understanding,by knowing the difference,between good and evil,we can absorb only the good of God-Goddess,by controling our sex energies and rejecting the Lucifer temptations to reverse the flow of the male-female energies from going instead to the top of our Divine seventh chacra=Sarasahra=Divine Mind,to flow dounwards,so the "snakes of the kundalini,become,as a tales of the devil we carry,by worshiping the lower head{yoni/phalus}leading us in sin,dead,hell,instead the upper head{thirh eye=penil gland and the Crown chakra,leading us to Liberation from the 3 th dim.beyond the 7 th dim.from dead to immortality and giving Chance of our Soul to return: Rumiana
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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