Make all decisions from pure love and the world will change.
Dear spiritual brother+Teacher from the Universe{now sent on the Earth} of the Ancient wisdom,knowledge,principals of Love Truth Peace Humility Sineh!!!Thank you from my heart full of LOVE for you,my family,friends collegs Honoured King Simeon Saxe Coburg=King SimeonII Rilski of the Holy Kingdom of the Bolg-Arians=Children of the Light+the stelar White Brooderhood on Earth+the keepers of saints,Adam Kadmon,the original Cross of the crusified Jesus from 2000 years ago,brougt in 337 AD on ordeof Elohim Adonai Jahveh Savaot,by the Bysantium emperors Constantine the Great+his mother st.Helena in Constantinoplis{Istanbul}in the biggest orthodox{most closed to the oote+advice to eat from the Angel of the Lord,until the time come,this who is the wordy{the Son of God Jahveh Savaot Allah Vishnu Shiva Krishna Rama Odin Zeus Brahma Quatsaquotle Sathya Sai Baba united with Shiva of Shirdi+Prema Sai in Triple Godheidriginal religion of Jesus Christ}cathedral st.Sofia,together with the head of st John the Baptistmany saints,just,as sleepingin quantum sleep,only st Ekaterina they left in Sinai monastery they pay to built+restore 300 churches+monastery in the whole middle east area,destroyed by the teribble Babylonian pagan king Nahoudonaser in 70 ADand after the invation of Suleiman Sultan from the Otomanic Turkey in minor Asia, the Cross of Jesus from Golgotha{found by st.Helena onthere,were holy basel was growing,the only healing Cross}+her son from the good Roman Emperor Constantia-Constantine+she,as the widow of the good King CColealso called tha Arian,as king Bolg-Ar and the King Rama the good Ari{were the 3 holy brothers,descended on the Earth,from God Orion,as his divine sons{in egyptian are El-An-Ra belt= God OrionOsiris,followed by his wifeSirius A=Isis,sister SiriusB=Neftis,daughter Sirius C,was bought from the bulg.king BorisIIIin 1378-{grandgrand...father of the orthodox king of Bulgaria-BorisIII{poisoned by the beast Adolf Hitler+still save in the mountain cafe,where was brought original and the orthodox king{son of BorisIII-His Highnest SimeonII Rilski,after return from exile for 50 years during the totalitarian despotism{in the stile of lenin,Stalin},pay for building new church+hotel for the pilgrims{next to the small church Holy Trinity in Rodopi mountain in the Forrest of the Cross{near to the birthplace of the God of music Orpheus+the mountain Olympus of the Gods visit at ancient time the Balkan area},humanity,as whole Effect of the Original Cause -the Male-Female principle of the duality of the SuperLightSuperGlobalTime=God-Goddess=Alfa-Omega,Yin-Yangthe Lord+the Universal Logos{Dove,Holy Spirit,Cosmic female enrgy Sakti,as the total Cosmic Ocean of Energy{electrons,positronsneutrons-antineutrons,neutrinos-antineutrinos,quarks-antiquarks,brain waves{Teslions,tachionic speed thoughts of our Cosmic Parents,vaccum drift of the Ether,as the Original Cause of Creation+the total Matter of the Earth,as Effects from the Primal Origin Cause{Universal Mind},expressed as the Power of the word{bigger,than the sword}of the Manifestation of the Holy Cup+Holy Grail=the choosen by the Lord,sacred womb of the virgin Mary,to inpreganate her with the SuperLight=SuperTime{immaculated conseption},overshadowed with the Archangel Gabriel=Love+heavenly good news{One of His Seven Spirits of His Glory Crown of full circle around His Hot+Cold Ambiplasma{the rainbow warriors for the Lord=Archangel Michael=God as Power,Love Defender against the Devil+his army of fallen angels demons on Earth,expelled from Heaven},Archangel Gabriel=God as Lover,Messenger of Heavenly news,Archangel Uriel=God as mystery+miracle maker,protector of science,knowledge,understanding of the Akasha records+the Creation from the begginig},Archangel Rafael=God as Healer{together with Mother Maria+Jesus-the Son of God,as a manifestation of the Holy Grail=the Original Word,made flesh on Earth=Jesus Christ
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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