BLESSING of LIGHT unto you beloved Soul incarnated as spirit in a human-body _/|\_NAMASKAR_/|\_ SiNeh~
Sorry beloved RumiaNa~ mispelled your name by typing fast, no intention or mistake :)
I wanted that you send me an e-mail HERE on Warrior-Nation, but I will now send you my private e-mail here on the network's private mail possibility.
The "nickname" Divineclown I still have on a network I had already many years ago and can't change it on the network there I use it anymore except I would UN-subscribe and subsribe again. I would loose ANY thing I posted there and is in the archives :)
But they know there that I AM SiNeh~ (or peter), no problem dear :)
Now go in a few min to check you mail and there you find my private email address.
Love, SiNeh~
Honoured perfect askended Being SiNeh,first my name you are miswriting,it is RumiaNa=the Victory of the Holy Trinity,given to me by the Lord=One God{different name in different countries+believes},I had OBE/coma for seven days,at my 11 th year,I like to share this very sacred experience with you,if you are giving me your email{I failed to find,even on the name Peter Egler aka SiNeh,but I found the message from your friend Aisha,about the similarity in the their word for beloved and SiNeH=God is Love,Light,Truth{old Lemurian name,you misunderstood,that I was saying you are God,but your magor peace of His most representing features{I just wonder,why you are calling yourself Divineclown,is this not humiliating your best intentions,as teacher of blending our loving energies,it is also truth,that you looks,as the perfect master Mahatma Gandi+your hunble way of life,calling for worlds peace,unity,universal love!Saint Germain was chaneled by me,in some sofisticated religious-scientific experiment,which left me with the advise,that I can not teach others something,which I have not undestood,learn with personal experience,you are right,that our life on Earth{we agree to descend on, order of the Universal parents of us,as a starseed,to help shift the humanity from fifth density,into the immortal beings of the sixth race{inpulse space}Thanks God for my life time of study science,religion,methaphysics,phylosofy etc.on order of the Holy Trinity,by my astral projection,following my soul path,as a string of light,to the place of the sacred meeting in small mountain chuch,where the real Holy Grail apeared in antimatter form,some 30 years later,to make me sure,I have been choosen for mission:Rumiana
Now I can answer a bit for what you are asking beloved Rumania~
Look, we all grew up in different RELIGIOUS believe SYSTEMS and each pretend to KNOW the truth and that THIS or THAT believe SYSTEM is the right and ONLY one that guide us to heaven.
All this serves nothing else as to hold HUMANITY in seperation and divide us even in the little families or in our own heart.
The "I TRUST IN GOD" I really mean as I say, because to me, God has, is and knows NO RELIGION. GOD IS and IS LOVE and is LIGHT!!!!
But GOD is also the DARK because if not, God would not be ALL THAT IS what we can percieve and also all we can't percieve!
That does NOT mean, that ALL IS GOD-LIKE
If I say, I AM or I AM THAT, I don't claim to be God, but KNOW I am "a part" of God.
There is much more to say about beloved Rumania~, but I can't give here lessons or something tell you the way you may would need to understand all that.
Feel free to connect with me via mail and we will see how we proceed with that. :)
Regarding "Elisabeth Clare". Well, I have my seat not in her room :)
LIVE as best you can out of FEAR and be LOVE instead, then you are safe and on the right way "back to heaven".
Much LOVE~, SiNeh~
P.S. keep watching the videos I share, they help you much to understand everything. But keep only what your RESONATE with. Let go of the rest. It,s then a sign that you aren't ready "yet" to understand all that wisdom.
Beloved Rumania~
Thank you very much for the questions and the reply. I will answer them as soon I have time. I am very grateful for everything you said:) Please give me time as you are not the only one that sometimes want to "talk" with me about such things. :) You may need to know, that I share everything not only here on WN but over the BLEND OF LOVING ENERGIES BRIDGES on many places and beside the B"BOLE" is the network I work almost 16 hours as it is the network I foundet.
P.S. The NEXT video I post right NOW :)
Dear SiNeh,thank you for keeping me up date with your incredibable inportant videos!I have some question on this one,why we have to surender to the demonic forces to have their way with us,as the only option to get rid from them,as this munk in solitude,why we have been told from Jesus,to ask in His name to free us from evil forces,or priest are doing exorcism to people ,which are their fictums,is not the Jesus words,teaching the dayly prayer,God keep us from temptations and deliver us from evil.since only God+His Beggoten Son Jesus Christ{our Saviours,Teachers,Redemers}are able to free us from the Devil,Satans demons,so we do not need to surrender on their hellish games with us?You said In God SiNeh trust on your page,is this name of the One God Jehovah,with 108 names in hindu,72 names in hebrew,one name Allah in muslim,who is the only one allowded to say"I Am who I Am",so if do decline,that you are perfect master,just you say"I Am" me,why we are urge to believe+"In God SiNeh Trust"?I remember being some years in public meeting with Elisabeth Clare prophetess,which was trying to hypnotise the audience with the mantra,"I am who I Am",with increasing her voice,so even she claimed to be the Universal Mother{but collecting 70 dollars thicket,enjoing rich,lavish life in her estate Camelot{her dead husband Mark,was real prophet},I left the public seance,realising,that she is survant of Satan,whose dream was always to replace the Father and Mother God-Goddess=Alfa-Omega.Please feel free to answer some of my question,thank you,SiNeh:RumianaDove
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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