BOLE: The Power of Disengagement - Playing Mind Games

Life should not be lived through a series of mind games, but from truth and looking deep within.

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Comment by Rumiana As-Nova Alexander on March 23, 2012 at 2:18pm

Dear SiNeh,it is so wise this video,that the soul get entangled with the power trips+mind games of this day to day same pattern of worlds news,peoples dramas and it is like in the film Matrix,where the sensitive,compasionate,loving person,as you or me,get traped on the holodek of the satanic world,forgeting in the process to make time to heal the heart,mind,soul,by rejoysing the beauty of the nature,the divine inspired music,the practice of the right breading,instead hiperventilating,upset with the never ending evil stories of the dying world,so as a silent observers we run the risk to become retarded in our acseleration,rising our positive vibrations,energysing our etheric body=Mer-Ka-Ba,to allow the transformation of our DNA towards higher spiritual,emotional.mental,phisical bodies,specialy now so inportant in this planetary shift,at the Grand Gallactic Convergance,where the flatness of our solar system and the dark rift of the Milky way Galaxy{our solar system is only 1 50 millionth part,from all other solar systems in the Galacy},at the winter solstice 21 -12-2012!On this day,the east-west horisont line ,passing Jerusalem,will be perpendicular to the El-An-Ra{the Holy Trinity of the Orion belt constelation,followed,by the brightest star Sirius A!this was called in Egypt:God Osiris,followed by his wife-goddess Isis.This is the time,when,this Cosmic Cross,anounce the return of Jesus Christ,in Jerusalem,on the same place He ascended 2000 years ago,over the mount Zion{now there are the Big mosque,built above the rock ,from where Mohamed ascended,the small mosque and the small church of the souls.On this place,Jahveh=the One God,tested Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaak,but when God saw how obedient is the man of God,he sent Archangel Gabriel to stop Abraham and substitute his first born son from Sara,with a ram.So it is esential to go deeo inside ourself to hear the Lords voice in the silence of our meditiation and do not allow peoples selfinflicted dramas,bad news,bad lifes,due to their own fault to separate themself from the Big Real Spirit of God Jahveh,to bring us,the messengers of God,his prophets in evil power trips,mind games,of false religions,fake news:Rumiana

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