A heart that has been broken and seen pain, reveals within it, a crack that allows more light in. _/|\_NAMASKAR_/|\_ SiNeh~
Thank you beloved RumiaNa~
I do forward your gratitude to my wife :)
Aslo thank you for always take you time to write us what you think (know) about spititual "things". With some I am in alignement, while with some I see it different. This does NOT mean that at the CORE we feel the same :)
Much much love to you and all your love ones. (Family)
always IN all ways!
thank you my dear spiritual teacher SiNeh+spiritual sister Lovea,for your warm Christmas wishes,even,that my real Orthodox Christmas eve,is on 6 january,and the 7 january is the Real birth of Jesus{asumme the Gregorian calendar of the most close to the Jesus church,the Christian Orthodox church,for Vatican ,change the date to 25 december,the Roman Julian calendar of the pagan Roma+the Catholuc church},an example of the Devils modification of the Gods Truths,to confuse the people,God forbid worship of 3D statutes,made illusion of Mother Mary,Jesus,as still dead on the cross or the baby Jesus,a,small stone statue,this is blashemaby+satanic modification to the Living God+His Son Jesus,One with God+His Mother Maria+Mary Magdalena,all saints,Holy Spirit ,Archangels etc.It is said that the "Hoer of Babilon,the Fake Lusiferian church=Vatican in Rome,sit on seven hills and the Pope+clergy for the last 2000 are drunken with the blood of the true christians,jew,coptic,armenian,other minorities,incl.muslims.prosecuted,by the Church of Satan with Vatican-the H.Q.of Lucifer.One of this days,the wrath of the Lamb of God{Jesus second coming},will burn Roma+Vatican with fire from heaven+earthquakes,spliting the fake holy city and flooded with the left+right sea,on the both side of Italy.I am so happy,that the Lord,gave me so many suffering in this life,so my holes in the heart,let more light,Love,Faith,Believe, in my Being,realising,this is the way the Holy Trinity-God Jahveh Savaot,Jesus,Mother Maria+the Holy Spirit =Holy Cross,are helping me to return in my true home in heaven,by geting to know the truth of God,the strenght to change things,I can,the power to reject the lies,falshification of the archenemy of God-Lucifer and his fallen satanic angels-demons and the evil humans to help them deseive the humanity+try to extinguish the Light in the world,meant to be Children of Unconditional Love,Faith,Believe,Compassion,Forgiveness,Wisdom,peace and substityde with the darkness of the devil+ his army from hell:Rumiana
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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