The Most Important Scientific Message ever that can heal our World and solve all Human Problems and Conflicts. Latest Scientific facts that alter the Perception of our World and Promote Global Oneness and Happiness.
Thank you beloved sosu sister RumiaNa~
for the beautiful comment and your love.
I feel humbled and honored.
I wouldn't be able to work as much I do if I wouldn't have the lovely support from my wife LoveA~
We always apprechiate it very much, if someone see what we do and give a comment or two. :)
Much much love to you and all your love ones!
Thank you very much,dear spiritual techer, for the wonderful video,trying to explain us,nature,universe with the quotes from famous scientists,spiritual teachers.This was amasing collection from the topics of my Doctorate D,Etat=3 science,religion,phylosofy,I had in 1980 from Paris Sorbone.I was originaly requested in my OBE/coma,when I had spirit to spirit encounter with God,Jesus,Mother mary,at my 11 year of age.To explain the creation from Alfa to Omega,from the Big Bang to the Big crunch,by using the wave-particle reality of the Light,co-joint,for the quant of light,as matter ,moves with the speed :c"=300000 km/sec,but the light,as a wave,is moving with speed,squared of :"c", in the holografic flatness, going in mini black holes and get out of mini white holes,toroidal{A.Einstein,had to introduce the special+general relativity ,for this purpose;so his famous formula +Energy=+matter{mass}multiplyed by the speed of light,squareded,I introdused the second formula,synhronised with the cosm.constant:that negative energy,-E=-matter{mass},antimatter,multiplyied with the reciprosical of the speed of light squared,which was to represent that the tahionic thoughs,are in reverse direction of the time{the one going to the past and the other returning from the future,with small difference=barion number,causing drift=vacuum fluctuations in the torsion grand unified field of the quantum ether of the Universe!We are made on the image of God,so are our minds,but you need the matter=brain,part of the physical body,to be able to exist in the gravitational field on Earth,to complete our karmic cicle.I had to explain the science for God-Goddess to religious dignitaries and the Ultimate spirituality+Supermind of God,to famous scientists,since in my encounter with the Holy Trinity,they sad it is necesary to improve the IQ of Humans and prepare the for the transition from the fifth to the sixth race,since,there is big ideological war between scientists,religions:loving spiritual sister+devotee,I highly apreshiate your hard work for Love,Unity:Rumiana
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 12:58pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 12:47pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 2:24pm 0 Comments 1 Like
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