BOLE: Anxiety about Change - Anticipating the Good

Change will occur in almost every aspect of our lives, we can learn to embrace it while releasing the past with grace.

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Comment by SiNeh~ on November 4, 2012 at 11:49am

Beloved RumiaNa~
I feel your tiredness as I feel other sisters and brothers are tired too. Not even by the what you call the "world of Satan" but by the evil that is played out in many aspects in the world we live on. BUT there is as much Light as Dark beloved sister! The problem is that often we don't see the light because we focus only on what the dark is doing!!! This planet is a place where ALL cards are played, incarnations from above and from below are occurring! It is the place we all are living on and have to play a role.

LOVE and COMPASSION is the key to heaven dear sister and not hatred. By hating the "devil" we increase his power. By being compassionate we make the "devil" weak!!!
At the moment, it seems that the "devil" is winning over the light, but this is a deception. Here on Earth is nothing to win and nothing to loose except our TRUST in what we KNOW. Knowing that we all are Children of God, also those which we may call "fallen Angels". They need our love most!
Why? because only then they can remember what they once were before they felt in "the abyss" of hate and fear.


Comment by Rumiana As-Nova Alexander on November 4, 2012 at 10:41am

Dear spiritual brother +ascended Master in wisdom,knowledge,meditiation,I am so tired from the world of Satan,full with false priests,leaders,channeling messangers,withches,black magidians,atheists,harlots,gays,lesbians,group sex partiers,child molestors,premeditated killers,liers,spoiled bradss matherialists,money worshipers,psyhoidiots,warmongors,ungratefull for their life given by God,human inbasils,exploitators etc.all the army of Lucifer fallen demonic angels,proling the world to deseive the world,even of the little elected rainbow warriors and divine Teachers as you,or me,that I am counting the days of the Second coming of Jesus Christ,as the wrath of the Lamb,wordy to open the small book with the seven seals{as described in the Revelation of John the Divine-Bible}and the Judgement Day of the Lord Jehovah Savaot,to trow 99.99% of the humans,who sold their souls to the Devil,one or another way}and if the Nibiru,planet X,hit the Earth or the predicted by Edgar Cayce,Nostradamus,A.Einstein etc.-polar shift,or poisoning the 1/3 of the drinking water,by smashing the Earth with the rock of the Lord:Wormwood,or asteroids,causing the unquenchable fire of all the oceans,the Ice age,freezing all crops,all the evil to come to the final end{many will come,but little will be choosen for the New Earth-New Heaven in the golden Age of the Holy Trinity+Holy Spirit=Cosmic Cross.It is so pitty,how much time,energy,love,truth we wasted:Rumiana

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