My daughter's friend came by yesterday and ask me if her parents that were with her could see the things that I made ,and I allowed them too do so and the man said you are Indian as if he could not see my skin color ,and I ask him could you not tell that by looking at me and he said but your dark tan looked so perfect . Her parents left for when I turn around and droped my pants and walked away with my perfect tan reer end and my pants and shorts in hand . I've been told many things in my life but my perfect tan was a very good one , only thing was there was no perfect white on my reer end .

So when will a full Blood be known ?

It's not all in our skin and that was proven by them or rather by some , not all blood lines are full but does that make you less than I am ?

Is not your heart full ?

Is not you honor real ?

Is not your respect true ?

Is not the teachings you learn found to be of that of an Indian ? I Runs With Wolves say not less a people untill you know the people for Our blood runs deep and our heart are pure our words are but given to us by the Great Spirit , I can not help that the Great Spirit gave us no CURSE WORDS to slander people but The Great Spirit told HIS people to respect one another to join as a people and listen for the time , for the hopi say the time is with us and christians since the year 2000 have called out the ends of time and yet here we are the people , for it is yet the day that all Native Americans join in hand and speak and say we are one and we will happen as it was taught , after the suffering and after the false teachings then comes the time of the old the true ways will return and all will listen and peace will be with them .

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Comment by Ms. Down-to-Earth on August 4, 2010 at 5:40pm
People say many...ummm...creative things. We have to take it with a grain of sand. Still, I giggled when I thought of you, dropping your drawers.

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