During the war in England there were many trying and terrifying times for my friend. She grew up in a home that struggled just to survivie and see another day.. Back when toys were never given toys were made by hand  and out of scraps.. She lived in the  days  of lamplighters.. Lamp lighters were the signal for all children to be in their homes.  She lived a frugal life with never a promise of something better... Until  the war broke out in her Country and she met a American Soldier..

At a very young age she discovered her one true love  and they married while he was  fighting in her country..

When the war ended he was sent back home and it took over a year for him to bring his  War Bride to  America..

They struggled as we all do  but they loved each other enough to overcome all their trials and tribulations together.

Having a long and blessed life together..My blessing was meeting her  shortly after she lost the love of her life.. Her on the east coast, me on the west coast.And her learning how to operate her new fan dangle thingy  that allowed her to communicate with me..

She  will always be my Special Lady, she Loved her Husband and her New Country. We got to share  and learn from each other plus her years as young child of a depressed period and times  when sirens went off and  shelter had to be sought immediately. She knew the real meaning of living and loving and the truth of no tomorrow is promised.

Some who knew her said she died the other day.

Alone in the Care Center..Now i know different because we both have the same beliefs.. Her earthly body was tired,plus  she missed her one true love and family.. So she has shed that tired old body and joined  those most precious to her.

She  did but did not die and will forever remain with me no matter where i am...

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Comment by Loretta Riddell (Elohi) on January 23, 2018 at 6:29am
She was a wonderful lady, never met her in person but through her computer and the telephone lines she shared her love for life, our Country, her Country and those she loved. Anyone who really listened was truly touched by her..
Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on January 22, 2018 at 9:50pm

What a beautiful story it is because the love remains and is strong like nature itself.

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