He' All :

I would like to take a moment to inform you all, though I am sure you have heard some of the news about Boston. There were a few explosions that rocked my state of Massachusetts, in Boston, MA today earlier. They are currently undergoing a near to complete lock down in the city, Feds, local and state are involved and on the scene as we speak. They've confirmed that there are at least 6-8 people dead, and over 150 injured, some critically. No one is speculating about who or what with regards to this bombing and President Obama is stressing to people not to reach and pick as we don't know the facts as of yet and he is correct in doing this. People are already blaming him, terrorists, and as I've said already on Face Book , I now await them to blame my Nation for the attack...we need to ban together not distance ourselves when things like this happen. I would like to offer my Prayers to the people of Boston, my thanks to local and state civil servants for their outstanding efforts. Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers as the days of this go on. If you don't find any further information, I will be trying my best to keep up on this and will post more if need be to keep people up to date. I would like to thank my family here for your support.


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Comment by Ravenblu on April 21, 2013 at 2:39am

My thoughts are with everyone in Boston.

Comment by Ms. Down-to-Earth on April 18, 2013 at 10:32am

This makes you realize the fraility of life - it can change in a blink of an eye and in such unexpected ways.

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