I See the Struggles

I have watched as many struggle

They have endured through the toughest times

Wearing smiles while swallowing hard to hide

The pain, anger, frustation and disappointments

Telling many around them to take hold of everyday

live it to the fullest

Because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Yet they  themselves cannot do it for themselves


Because they feel they have failed

Why because

Those they helped are not there with gratitude

Those they loved and sacrificed for still need and want

Yet they have no time for the  giver or the givers well being


When will those I care about discover

They never failed

They were  failed by those who sought  help

and recieved it.

They were failed by those they loved

who took everything for granted

and gave nothing in return

Lord I see the struggling inside some of our

strongest, most giving people

Strongest  when they give to others

Weak when it comes to  understanding  themselves.

 They failed at  nothing

 They made many things possible for so many

while neglecting to recognize their own self worth

I seek your help Lord

To make them whole again

Removing all questioning,

 pain, anger, frustation and disappointments

Let them reflect and see they gave their all

and failed at nothing.

That  there was no way they could change the

short comings of others

That we will always met Givers and Takers

but those who  really care will be there

Wanting only  that they too

Live, Love, Laugh and be Happy

Today and all the days ahead of them


Written By
©Loretta Riddell

reflect on the past knowing you did your best

leave the rest to the Lord..

embrace today and those you love

hold it tight

for tomorrow is a new day  and you must move on.

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