Finding another way to help

Especially when it seems 

Shelters are dealing with  so many  homeless

Soldiers, Veterans and Families

who have fallen on hard times

Seniors who  struggle to just make ends meet.

Yet I know many  of us do what we can to help

Because we have either faced hard  times ourselves

Or helped another  who was struggling

just to survive..

But what about our other Shelters

The No Kill Shelters that are over flowing  with

Many of God Creatures large and small

From the Young  to  Seniors

That  are over flowing  with  homeless   animals

All shapes and sizes..

Have you ever visited them

Seen all those  who really need a forever Home

I have  and it bothered me 

So I linked to them on the internet

For quite awhile I  used to post the pictures hoping someone would step up

Getting a few to like and a few to share 


I changed  how I share  their stories

The reason I am writing this is in hopes

Some of you who read this  might

Check out your Shelters

Link o them on line and do what I am

In order to find Forever Homes  for 

God  Creatures large and small

When I post a picture

and introduce   them in a first  person way

Jesebelle was a large black dog 

I looked at her read her bio and 

wrote her story  like she was  speaking for herself

seeking a lifetime companion  she could

walk with, run with  and if they had children 

play with

The success    was achieved   she found her Forever Home..

And all I did was imagine how  Jesebelle felt

not having someone who  cared about her like she would care about  those who  might take her.

I  enjoy  being the person typing what I think

They  think about not having

A human to  love,  protect or just snuggle up with 

Especially if that human needs a forever  Companion

A companion that  is always glad to see you

and be with you.

Like I said  

I believe in helping Our Homeless

All our Homeless

How about you

Maybe you can give a moments thoughts to

Extending a  hand to the Local Shelters

Through  sharing the stories of all their  Creatures

The Dogs, Cats, Horses , Birds 

You might be surprised at what really exists in these shelters..

That are  Dedicated to  finding homes

instead to  euthanizing to make room for more

of God's  Creature.. 

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Comment by Loretta Riddell (Elohi) on February 5, 2015 at 10:15am

sorry but again pictures will not post to page

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