Message of Compassion and Oneness by Toni Carmine Salermo
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Once in a while, I will come to you as I do now, in this moment in time, in space, in this dream called life, a reflection of all that is and is still to be. Seeds of God and creation, of goddesses, beings of light, love and pure wisdom, this is what you are.

I wish to talk to you today about a great quality you can choose to cultivate and nurture in order to live a happier and more fulfilling life. This quality, dear one, is compassion. But how do you cultivate and nurture it?

The first step is to understand, to really, truly understand and feel with all your heart that all is one. We are connected by energetic currents. All is connected by threads of love. No one and nothing are separate. Everything affects everyone, every thought just as much as every action. For thoughts are energy and are felt on a subconscious level.

Secondly, have compassion for yourself. Forgive yourself. Be kind and know that nothing and nobody in this world are perfect when judged from a human perspective. Life, in all its mystery, unanswered questions and seeming imperfection, is perfect. One can only see this from a higher perspective. You can feel this through the quite solitude of your heart.

Accept and be compassionate toward yourself and you will be better equipped to be compassionate to others. Please do not confuse compassion with self-pity for they are vastly different things. Compassion is a form of wisdom and love. It promotes deep understanding and acceptance. In accepting yourself, you can more easily accept others.

Acceptance does not mean things cannot change for the better or that you give up on trying to improve your life or the life of others. Don’t stop trying to make the world a better place. Don't give up on your dreams or your passions but pursue them with greater empathy, kindness and love.

Life is a game. As a player, you are here to experience all your soul has chosen to. Grow and expand your awareness and feel the beauty of existence. Life is no small thing. It is fathomless, omnipresent, multidimensional and infinitely so. You are meant to become more, to glow ever brighter through the light of wisdom and become a mirror of your higher self.

Words are so limiting, they are confined to space and time. I cannot take you beyond them without making you confused. One can only truly feel the unlimited reality through silence. Words offer signposts and stepping stones, but not a solid path to the Divine.

It is difficult for you to understand that opposing statements and contradictions are aspects of oneness or the one thing. Or, that what you think is wrong and what you think is right are both valid, both right and wrong, because again, they are merely aspects of the whole story. All is one. Let this be your mantra. Repeat this over and over especially when you experience anything negative or disturbing. This will help you be more compassionate to yourself and to others. For we are each integral to the whole. Together we are complete. Feel and be aware of the oneness in your heart and thoughts.

Make this your mantra: “All is one. I am one with all. I am not better nor worse, higher nor lower. All is an aspect of the one.”

This amazing tapestry of life, of humanity and nature forever unfolding and reflecting the sacred light of creation, lives inside every particle, in every atom of your being. Centre your attention and awareness to your third eye, to your heart center and feel it.


(Artwork and writing © 2018 Toni Carmine Salerno)

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Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on March 18, 2020 at 1:22pm

Polish translation:  God couldn't be everywhere, so he created grandmother

Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on September 22, 2019 at 6:07pm

Shedding our skin each night would be delightful!

Comment by Chris Durbin on September 22, 2019 at 5:56am

I like the post that reflects on how a snake feels when it sheds it skin. That's how our soul feels every time we go to sleep and it is free to shed it's skin ( your body ) and visit the ALL and everything it encompasses.

Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on September 21, 2019 at 10:09pm

Adding Some Sun

Sometimes I feel a hint of negativity coming on -- like the feeling a sore throat coming -- so I apply some positiveness as a fast remedy (something like a salt water gargle) vocalizing SHINE SHINE SHINE from my heart.

Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on September 21, 2019 at 9:38pm

A Vision Of The Sun

There exists a “sun” inside each of us that iluminates the universe.

All the energies come from this sun. In fact we are this sun, each of us. We maintain a sense of separateness to live on Earth. But in fact there’s only energy. A love energy.

In this sense the Masters, the angels and our next door neighbors are not separate from us but are aspects of us (the sun) connected by a thread of love, working on our behalf at all times.

Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on September 18, 2019 at 5:17pm

Don't fix just support and listen

Holding space.

No advice
No words
Not trying to fix things
Just BEING Present

Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on August 29, 2019 at 5:25pm


I wonder what the inside of forgiveness looks like. I hold my hands on my heart to focus on what my heart is saying ... it's saying that it's seeing the soul of ourselves or another, in which case there's nothing really to forgive.

Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on June 20, 2019 at 4:38pm

Best Friends

Best friends come in all different sizes, shapes, colors, and species.

Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on June 1, 2019 at 10:22pm

New Spiritual Practice


Comment by Jorgelito Hagens on April 2, 2019 at 4:44pm


I remember when I was three hiding in the cypress trees above our house and calling down to Mother hanging up clothes, "Can you see me?" She would say "Who is that? I don't see anyone." This delighted me no end.

Spirit of Trees take me where I need to be. Your words have power, power inside me.

I am the waters
I make the ebb and flow

Ebb and flow is what we make when we do the things we love. It's rhythm. It's dance. It makes your heart move and radiate out.

I am the spirit
I make the wind

Wind is the stuff you feel moving through you when you're inspired.

It's seeing with new eyes like coming out of a dream -- how a snake might feel when he sheds his skin. It gives a wonderful sense of freedom that a snake must enjoy a lot.

If you could see this stuff, it would probably be sparkly, moving in swirls -- like magical pixie dust.

I am the light
I make the things you see
And the things you cannot

Light contains all frequencies. It is complete. This may explain why it feels so good on a summer day. And why being bathed in the shadows that accent the light of the forest is so enchanting.

It would be great if light flowed right through a person like autumn leaves. Sun bathing comes close.

I am the Earth
I make the stillness

It is a quiet place of peace and rest that seems like it's been there forever.

Here things are pure and true. It exists in a quiet spot in our heart.

This I am
And this I embrace

To hold in my heart

The sun, the moon and stars

And all those things I love


Being like autumn leaves

On a sunshine day

When the light flows free


This I embraced.


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