So many times I have created Memorial Videos or Tributes
About lost Loved Ones or Fallen Heroes...
And People who make a Difference in the lives of so Many Broken Hearts
Always with the thought have I done justice to the Lost
Creating Memories that celebrate a Special Someone's life
Then I remember who influences my choices and decisions
God and my Grandmother Rubie
She always believed looking into ones eyes
you would see their heart felt feelings
Plus God's promise none of us ever walk alone
So before I finish up another Memorial and Tribute to another Life
I want to ask you how you view your life
Has it been like a Glass half empty, half full or ???
Many say if you think half full you are a optimist..
If it is half empty you are a pessimist...
So that leaves you with what
A optimist..believes there is better and more coming their way
A filled with doubt and uncertainty
I grew up with a different view on the glass and how I viewed it. ..I was taught the Serenity Prayer and Foot Prints in the Sand..
I was taught to look at The Glass and hear the message from God.. Your glass is never half empty...or half full.. Because today I will meet all your needs... Not your wants for tomorrow..but for today...
Tomorrow never comes to any of us it is only a dream of what is possible through un-promised days.
So when you look at your glass remember today is a day you should embrace everything you have surrounding you.. Cherish those who make life's lived moments precious and unforgettable memories...
Because He has fulfilled your needs everyday and brought you to Today..
May you all live lives filled with the knowledge your needs have and will be met
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